Two post-doctoral positions are open, one in direct link with the NANOTUMOR Consortium (at the interface between Jacky Goetz & Patrick Schultz labs), and one concerning another project at the Jacky Goetz Lab (M.G. Ferreira, J.G. Goetz & Y. Colette INCa PLBio, « impact of aging on metastasis »).
- Dissecting the impact of aging on metastatic progression and therapy
The Goetz Lab at INSERM U1109 (Tumor Biomechanics,, CRBS, Strasbourg) is seeking a talented postdoctoral fellow with background in Cancer biology. The candidate will lead a collaborative project aiming at dissecting the impact of aging on metastatic progression and therapy.
All applications must be sent to: Jacky G. Goetz ()
- New pathways in endosome formation and extracellular vesicle secretion in metastasis
The NANOTUMOR consortium is a French national multi-disciplinary workforce that aims to study cancer initiation and progression at molecular and subcellular level, by combining cutting-edge technologies in various cellular and animal models. In the context of preliminary results obtained within the consortium, the Jacky G. Goetz Lab at CRBS together with Patrick Schultz Lab at IGBMC are seeking a dedicated postdoctoral scientist with background in Cell Biology, Microscopy and Cancer Biology.
Applications must be sent to: J. G. Goetz () and P. Schultz ()