Post-doctoral position at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (Illkirch, France) in the team of Daniel Metzger
Project : “Identification of new biomarkers and drug targets for prostate cancer”
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most commonly diagnosed neoplasia in men worldwide and one of the major causes of cancer-related death in men. Advances made in the management of PCa have markedly improved survival rates in men with localized disease, but current treatments have considerable side effects. Moreover, no reliable biomarkers are available to predict relapses, and patients with metastatic disease have limited treatment options and an overall poor prognosis.
Our laboratory generated Pten(i)pe−/− mice, in which the tumor suppressor gene Pten is selectively ablated in luminal prostatic epithelial cells at adulthood. We have shown that these mice faithfully recapitulate disease progression in humans, and are valuable tools to provide insights in prostate tumorigenesis. Our recent results based on single cell transcriptomics and histological analyses revealed that the evolution of prostatic tumors is associated with luminal epithelial cell plasticity and immunosuppression.
The aim of the project is to characterize the underlying molecular mechanisms, identify new biomarkers of tumor evolution and new drug targets, using cutting-edge technics.
We offer a 2-year contract, starting October 2022, with the possibility of extension.
Applicants should have a PhD in biological science, a strong background in cellular and molecular biology with a sound knowledge in cancer research and genetics. Expertise in bioinformatics will be a plus.
Your responsibilities will include:
- Molecular biological assays on tissues of genetically modified mice
- Organoid cultures
- Single cell RNAseq and spatial single cell RNAseq analyses of mouse and human prostate tumors
- Mentoring graduate and undergraduate trainees
Your application:
Candidates should send a curriculum vitae with a publication list, a short summary of research achievements and mastered techniques, as well as contact information of at least two references to .