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Plateforme ACACIA


Thématique de recherche : interaction ion / matière analyse et traitement des matériaux par faisceaux d’ions ingénierie de nanostructures et de particules nanométriques


Radiolysis of myoglobin concentrated gels by protons: specific changes in secondary structure and production of carbon monoxide.

Ludwig N, Galindo C, Witjaksono C, Danvin A, Peaupardin P, Muller D, Kusumoto T, Kodaira S, Barillon R, Raffy Q

Sci Rep. 2024 04 14;14(1):8625

Kinetics thermodynamics: walking on the line for a five-fold increase in MnSi Curie temperature.

Benedit-Cárdenas A, Bruyère S, Migot S, Hauet T, Petit-Watelot S, Boulet P, Muller D, Zuev DA, Horwat D, Nominé A

Mater Horiz. 2023 11 15;:

Shallow implanted SiC spin qubits used for sensing an internal spin bath and external YIG spins.

Tribollet J, Muller D, Roques S, Bartringer J, Fix T

Nanoscale. 2021 Aug 28;13(32):13827-13834

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