Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2024


Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr AYAV Ahmet

Tous les auteurs :
Boubaddi M, Marichez A, Pecquenard F, Maulat C, Buc E, Sulpice L, Ayav A, Truant S, Muscari F, Chiche L, Laurent C


Post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF) is the first cause of death after major hepatectomy, and future liver remnant (FLR) volume is the main factor predicting PHLF. Liver venous deprivation (LVD) via portal and hepatic vein embolization has been suggested to induce a better hypertrophy of the FLR than portal vein embolization. The aim of this retrospective multicentric study was to assess safety, feasibility and efficacity of LVD in a French national multicentric register.

Mots clés

Liver venous deprivation (LVD), hepatectomy, liver hypertrophy, post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF)


Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr. 2024 12 1;13(6):937-949