Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2024


BMJ open


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr BARDOU Marc , Pr FAIVRE Laurence , Pr VABRES Pierre , Pr LOFFROY Romaric , Pr KUENTZ Paul

Tous les auteurs :
Luu M, Vabres P, Espitalier A, Maurer A, Garde A, Racine C, Carpentier M, Rega A, Loffroy R, Hadouiri N, Boddaert N, Curie A, Guibaud L, Chebbi M, Charligny J, Kuentz P, Canaud G, Bahi-Buisson N, Fleck C, Cransac A, Bardou M, Faivre L,


The megalencephaly capillary malformation polymicrogyria (MCAP syndrome) results from mosaic gain-of-function variants. The main clinical features are macrocephaly, somatic overgrowth, neurodevelopmental delay and brain anomalies. Alpelisib (Vijoice) is a recently FDA-approved PI3Kα-specific inhibitor for patients with PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS). During its development, in patients with the MCAP subgroup of PROS, there was no specific, standardised evaluation of the effect on neuro-cognitive functioning. Moreover, it remains unknown if the molecule crosses the blood-brain barrier. Our objective is to evaluate the efficacy of a 24 month treatment with alpelisib on adaptive behaviour in patients with MCAP syndrome.

Mots clés

Clinical trials, Developmental neurology & neurodisability, Neurogenetics, Paediatric clinical genetics & dysmorphology


BMJ Open. 2024 12 20;14(12):e084614