Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2025


Breast cancer research : BCR


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BOIDOT Romain , Pr BORG Christophe , Dr LADOIRE Sylvain , Dr CURTIT Elsa , Dr MANSI Laura , Dr DERANGERE Valentin , Dr LOYON Romain , Dr KROEMER Marie

Tous les auteurs :
Lopez M, Spehner L, André F, Viot J, Seffar E, Marguier A, Curtit E, Meynard G, Dobi E, Ladoire S, Boidot R, Loyon R, Derangere V, Bidard FC, Borg C, Mansi L, Kroemer M


Breast Cancer (BC) is the most common type of cancer in women around the world and 70% of cases are hormone-receptor positive (HR+). In 40% of cases, a key mechanism of endocrine resistance to the standard first line is a mutation of the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1) encoding estrogen receptor α (ER). Most common ESR1 mutations that occur at positions 537 and 538 have been associated with poor clinical outcomes. ESR1 mutations have the potential to provide neoantigens. This study aims to identify if ESR1 mutations generate specific T cell responses against ESR1 neoantigens in patients with HR HER2 BC, and to investigate if ESR1 mutations might correlate with a gene expression profile related to immune surveillance disruption.

Mots clés

ESR1 mutation, Hormone-receptor positive breast cancer, Neoantigen, Specific immune responses, T cell


Breast Cancer Res. 2025 02 7;27(1):19