Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2025


Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MEYER Christophe

Tous les auteurs :
Boffano P, Neirotti F, Nikolovska V, Brucoli M, Ruslin M, Pechalova P, Pavlov N, Sapundzhiev A, Uchikov P, Rodríguez JCV, Santamarta TR, Meyer C, Louvrier A, Michel-Guillaneux A, Bertin E, Starch-Jensen T, Gusic I, Bajkin BV, López-Pintor RM, González-Serrano J, Dugast S, Bertin H, Corre P, Bán Á, Szalma J, Rautava J, Snäll J


Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous condition that includes a spectrum of oral clinical manifestations ranging from mild painless white lesions to painful erosions and ulcers. The purpose of this European multicenter study is to describe the general characteristics of OLP lesions, the clinical and histopathological diagnosis, and the management of OLP at different European Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Surgery centers, in order to minimize selections biases and provide information about the current trends in the treatment of OLP across Europe.

Mots clés

Diagnosis, Follow-up, Malignant, Management, Oral lichen planus


J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2025 01 6;:102218