Fiche publication
Date publication
octobre 2024
Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MEYER Christophe
Tous les auteurs :
Martenot A, Devoti JF, Pons M, Meyer C, Brumpt E, Louvrier A, Bertin E
Lien Pubmed
Botulinum toxin has proven effective in treating persistent myogenous temporomandibular disorders (M-TMDs) unresponsive to conservative therapies. While the usual injection sites are the masseter and temporalis muscles, the deeper lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) is often overlooked due to its difficulty of access and the risk of local complications. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of botulinum toxin-A injections (BTX-A) in the LPM with MR-guided navigation of patients with persistent M-TMDs.
Mots clés
Botulinum toxins, Computer aided surgery, Neuronavigation, Pain, Pterygoid muscles, Temporomandibular joint disorders
J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2024 10;125(5):101715