Fiche publication
Date publication
septembre 2024
Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MEYER Christophe
Tous les auteurs :
Boffano P, Agnone AM, Neirotti F, Bonfiglio R, Brucoli M, Ruslin M, Durković A, Milosavljević M, Konstantinovic V, Rodríguez JCV, Santamarta TR, Meyer C, Louvrier A, Michel-Guillaneux A, Bertin E, Starch-Jensen T, Tadic AJ, Bajkin BV, Dugast S, Bertin H, Corre P, Szalma J, Dovsak T, Prodnik L, Mottl R, Dediol E, Kos B, Ontanon AV, Stathopoulos P, Tsekoura K, Polcyn A, Michcik A, Zaleckas L, Pavlov N, Sapundzhiev A, Uchikov P, Pechalova P
Lien Pubmed
The purpose of this European multicenter study was to describe the general characteristics and risk factors of MRONJ lesions as well as their clinical diagnosis and management at different European Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery centers, in order to minimize selections biases and provide information about the epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, and the current trends in the treatment of MRONJ across Europe.
Mots clés
Antiresorptive drugs, Epidemiology, MRONJ, Management, Osteonecrosis
J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2024 09;125(5S1):101931