Fiche publication

Date publication

novembre 2022


Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MEYER Christophe

Tous les auteurs :
Bertin E, Louvrier A, Meyer C, Weber E, Barrabé A, Pons M


The elderly population, which is more active than before, is increasingly suffering from trauma (loss of reflexes and systemic pathologic conditions). Surgical management may be more controversial due to the potential consequences of general anesthesia and the sometimes negligible consequences of functional management. The main objective of this study was to analyze the causes and location of facial fractures in subjects older than 65 years. The secondary objective was to evaluate the management of these fractures (surgical or functional) according to comorbidities.

Mots clés

Elderly, Epidemiology, Facial fractures, Maxillofacial trauma


J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 11;123(6):e878-e882