Fiche publication
Date publication
juin 2020
Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology
Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MEYER Christophe
Tous les auteurs :
Brucoli M, Boffano P, Romeo I, Corio C, Benech A, Ruslin M, Forouzanfar T, Starch-Jensen T, Rodríguez-Santamarta T, de Vicente JC, Snäll J, Thorén H, Tarle M, Dediol E, Pechalova P, Pavlov N, Daskalov H, Doykova I, Kelemith K, Tamme T, Kopchak A, Shumynskyi I, Corre P, Bertin H, Goguet Q, Anquetil M, Louvrier A, Meyer C, Dovšak T, Vozlič D, Birk A, Aničić B, Konstantinovic VS
Lien Pubmed
Management of maxillofacial trauma in the geriatric population poses a great challenge due to anatomical variations and medical comorbidities. The aim of this study was to analyze the management variables, timing, and outcomes of facial fractures in elderly patients (aged 70 years or more) at several European departments of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Mots clés
elderly, geriatric, management, maxillofacial trauma
Dent Traumatol. 2020 06;36(3):241-246