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Equipe d'Accueil EA 7460
Université de Bourgogne – Franche Comté
Faculté des Sciences de Santé
7 dd Jeanne d'Arc
21079 DIJON Cedex
03 80 39 34 60
Equipe EA 7460 - Physiopathologie et Epidémiologie Cérébro-Cardiovasculaires (PEC2)
Postnatally overfed mice display cardiac function alteration following myocardial infarction.
Josse M, Rigal E, Rosenblatt-Velin N, Collin B, Dogon G, Rochette L, Zeller M, Vergely C
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2024 09 18;:167516
Efficacy and clinical implications of a stepwise screening strategy for atrial fibrillation after stroke: Insights from the SAFAS study.
Benali K, Duloquin G, Noto-Campanella C, Garnier L, Didier R, Pommier T, Laurent G, Vergely C, Béjot Y, Guenancia C
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2024 08 22;:
Proximal and distant expression of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) correlate with neurological deficit following experimental ischemic stroke.
Méloux A, Dogon G, Rigal E, Rochette L, Bejot Y, Vergely C
PLoS One. 2024 07 15;19(7):e0307105
Short-Term Postnatal Overfeeding Induces Long-Lasting Cardiometabolic Syndrome in Mature and Old Mice Associated with Increased Sensitivity to Myocardial Infarction.
Rigal E, Josse M, Greco C, Rosenblatt N, Rochette L, Guenancia C, Vergely C
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2024 06 27;:e2400136
Growth/differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) expression in the heart after myocardial infarction and cardioprotective effect of pre-ischemic rGDF15 administration.
Dogon G, Rigal E, Potel E, Josse M, Rochette L, Bejot Y, Vergely C
Sci Rep. 2024 06 5;14(1):12949
Prevalence and characteristics of known versus newly detected atrial fibrillation in ischemic stroke: a population-based study.
Mitaine A, Duloquin G, Pommier T, Vergely C, Guenancia C, Béjot Y
Neuroepidemiology. 2024 03 12;:
Factors associated with patent foramen ovale-related stroke: SAFAS study.
Pommier T, Lafont A, Didier R, Garnier L, Duloquin G, Meloux A, Sagnard A, Graber M, Dogon G, Laurent G, Vergely C, Béjot Y, Guenancia C
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2023 09 28;:
Interplay between efferocytosis and atherosclerosis.
Rochette L, Dogon G, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2023 08 18;:
Antitumoral Activity of Molecular Hydrogen and Proton in the Treatment of Glioblastoma: An Atypical Pharmacology?
Rochette L, Dogon G, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Brain Sci. 2023 08 5;13(8):
Distribution of atrial cardiomyopathy markers and association with atrial fibrillation detected after ischaemic stroke in the SAFAS study.
Didier R, Garnier L, Duloquin G, Meloux A, Sagnard A, Graber M, Dogon G, Benali K, Pommier T, Laurent G, Vergely C, Bejot Y, Guenancia C
Stroke Vasc Neurol. 2023 07 10;:
Plasma growth differentiation factor - 8 / Myostatin level as prognostic biomarker of patients with ischemic stroke and acute revascularization therapy. PARADISE study.
Jakubina P, Meloux A, Duloquin G, Aho S, Vergely C, Béjot Y
J Neurol Sci. 2023 03 16;448:120611
The long-lasting shadow of litter size in rodents: litter size is an underreported variable that strongly determines adult physiology.
Parra-Vargas M, Bouret SG, Bruning JC, de Moura EG, Garland T, Lisboa PC, Ozanne SE, Patti ME, Plagemann A, Speakman JR, Tena-Sempere M, Vergely C, Zeltser LM, Jiménez-Chillarón JC
Mol Metab. 2023 03 16;71:101707
Stress: Eight Decades after Its Definition by Hans Selye: "Stress Is the Spice of Life".
Rochette L, Dogon G, Vergely C
Brain Sci. 2023 02 12;13(2):
Lipid Peroxidation and Iron Metabolism: Two Corner Stones in the Homeostasis Control of Ferroptosis.
Rochette L, Dogon G, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 12 27;24(1):
Growth differentiation factor 11: A proangiogenic drug as a potential antiaging regulating molecule.
Rochette L, Dogon G, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2022 12 15;:
[GDF15 : un modulateur de l'immunité et biomarqueur prédictif des atteintes cardiovasculaires : une stratégie dans le COVID-19].
Rochette L, Dogon G, Rigal E, Zeller M, Vergely C, Cottin Y
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris). 2022 09 16;:
Multimodal Approach for the Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Detected After Stroke: SAFAS Study.
Garnier L, Duloquin G, Meloux A, Benali K, Sagnard A, Graber M, Dogon G, Didier R, Pommier T, Vergely C, Béjot Y, Guenancia C
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 07 13;9:949213
Involvement of Oxidative Stress in Protective Cardiac Functions of Calprotectin.
Rochette L, Dogon G, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Cells. 2022 Apr 5;11(7):
Pre-existing brain damage and association between severity and prior cognitive impairment in ischemic stroke patients.
Pinguet V, Duloquin G, Thibault T, Devilliers H, Comby PO, Crespy V, Ricolfi F, Vergely C, Giroud M, Béjot Y
J Neuroradiol. 2022 Mar 11;:
Mitochondrial-derived peptides: New markers for cardiometabolic dysfunction.
Rochette L, Rigal E, Dogon G, Malka G, Zeller M, Vergely C, Cottin Y
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 Dec 28;:
Assessment of Clinical Scales for Detection of Large Vessel Occlusion in Ischemic Stroke Patients from the Dijon Stroke Registry.
Duloquin G, Graber M, Garnier L, Mohr S, Giroud M, Vergely C, Béjot Y
J Clin Med. 2021 Dec 15;10(24):
Association between Serum Osteoprotegerin Levels and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Cottin Y, Issa R, Benalia M, Mouhat B, Meloux A, Tribouillard L, Bichat F, Rochette L, Vergely C, Zeller M
J Clin Med. 2021 Sep 23;10(19):
The emerging role of miRNA-132/212 cluster in neurologic and cardiovascular diseases: Neuroprotective role in cells with prolonged longevity.
El Fatimy R, Boulaassafre S, Bouchmaa N, El Khayari A, Vergely C, Malka G, Rochette L
Mech Ageing Dev. 2021 Sep 10;:111566
GDF15: an emerging modulator of immunity and a strategy in COVID-19 in association with iron metabolism.
Rochette L, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Sep 8;:
GDF15 and Cardiac Cells: Current Concepts and New Insights.
Rochette L, Dogon G, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Aug 18;22(16):
Antitumor Activity of Protons and Molecular Hydrogen: Underlying Mechanisms.
Rochette L, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Feb 20;13(4):
Large Vessel Occlusion in Patients With Minor Ischemic Stroke in a Population-Based Study. The Dijon Stroke Registry.
Duloquin G, Crespy V, Jakubina P, Giroud M, Vergely C, Béjot Y
Front Neurol. 2021 ;12:796046
The Crosstalk of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSC), Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Protective and Adaptive Responses.
Rochette L, Mazini L, Malka G, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Dec 4;21(23):
PCSK9 levels do not predict severity and recurrence of cardiovascular events in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
Zeller M, Lambert G, Farnier M, Maza M, Nativel B, Rochette L, Vergely C, Cottin Y
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2020 Nov 20;:
Insights Into Mechanisms of GDF15 and Receptor GFRAL: Therapeutic Targets.
Rochette L, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Nov 7;:
Vascular density with optical coherence tomography angiography and systemic biomarkers in low and high cardiovascular risk patients.
Hannappe MA, Arnould L, Méloux A, Mouhat B, Bichat F, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Binquet C, Vergely C, Creuzot-Garcher C, Guenancia C
Sci Rep. 2020 10 7;10(1):16718
Role of humanin, a mitochondrial-derived peptide, in cardiovascular disorders.
Rochette L, Meloux A, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2020 Jul 14;:
Mitochondrial SLC25 Carriers: Novel Targets for Cancer Therapy.
Rochette L, Meloux A, Zeller M, Malka G, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Molecules. 2020 May 22;25(10):
Functional roles of GDF15 in modulating microenvironment to promote carcinogenesis.
Rochette L, Méloux A, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2020 Apr 15;:165798
Anti-Aging Effects of GDF11 on Skin.
Rochette L, Mazini L, Meloux A, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C, Malka G
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr 9;21(7):
Renal Programming by Transient Postnatal Overfeeding: The Role of Senescence Pathways.
Juvet C, Siddeek B, Yzydorczyk C, Vergely C, Nardou K, Armengaud JB, Benahmed M, Simeoni U, Cachat F, Chehade H
Front Physiol. 2020 ;11:511
Growth Differentiation Factor-8 (GDF8)/Myostatin is a Predictor of Troponin I Peak and a Marker of Clinical Severity after Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Meloux A, Rochette L, Maza M, Bichat F, Tribouillard L, Cottin Y, Zeller M, Vergely C
J Clin Med. 2019 Dec 31;9(1):
Brain-Heart Interactions During Ischemic Processes: Clinical and Experimental Evidences.
Méloux A, Béjot Y, Rochette L, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Stroke. 2019 Dec 20;:STROKEAHA119027732
Calorie Restriction in Adulthood Reduces Hepatic Disorders Induced by Transient Postnatal Overfeeding in Mice.
Yzydorczyk C, Li N, Rigal E, Chehade H, Mosig D, Armengaud JB, Rolle T, Krishnasamy A, Orozco E, Siddeek B, Juvet C, Vergely C, Simeoni U
Nutrients. 2019 Nov 16;11(11):
Influence of Pre-Existing Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia on Post-Stroke Mortality. The Dijon Stroke Registry.
Graber M, Garnier L, Mohr S, Delpont B, Blanc-Labarre C, Vergely C, Giroud M, Béjot Y
Neuroepidemiology. 2019 Oct 8;:1-8
The Role of Osteoprotegerin in Vascular Calcification and Bone Metabolism: The Basis for Developing New Therapeutics.
Rochette L, Meloux A, Rigal E, Zeller M, Malka G, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Calcif. Tissue Int.. 2019 Jun 13;:
About the controversies of the cardioprotective effect of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) between animal studies and clinical meta-analyses: a review with several strategies to enhance the beneficial effects of n-3 PUFAs.
Demaison L, Leger T, Vergely C, Rochette L, Azarnoush K
J. Physiol. Biochem.. 2019 Mar 1;:
The Role of Osteoprotegerin and Its Ligands in Vascular Function.
Rochette L, Meloux A, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Feb 6;20(3):
Growth Differentiation Factor-15 (GDF-15) Is Associated With Mortality in Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated With Acute Revascularization Therapy.
Brenière C, Méloux A, Pédard M, Marie C, Thouant P, Vergely C, Béjot Y
Front Neurol. 2019 ;10:611
Regenerative Capacity of Endogenous Factor: Growth Differentiation Factor 11; a New Approach of the Management of Age-Related Cardiovascular Events.
Rochette L, Meloux A, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Malka G, Vergely C
Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Dec 12;19(12):
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and stroke outcome.
Pedard M, Brenière C, Pernet N, Vergely C, Béjot Y, Marie C
Exp. Biol. Med. (Maywood). 2018 Nov 24;:1535370218815612
Ischemic Stroke Increases Heart Vulnerability to Ischemia-Reperfusion and Alters Myocardial Cardioprotective Pathways.
Meloux A, Rigal E, Rochette L, Cottin Y, Bejot Y, Vergely C
Stroke. 2018 Nov;49(11):2752-2760
Transient postnatal over nutrition induces long-term alterations in cardiac NLRP3-inflammasome pathway.
Siddeek B, Li N, Mauduit C, Chehade H, Rigal E, Tolsa JF, Armengaud JB, Yzydorczyk C, Benahmed M, Vergely C, Simeoni U
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2018 Apr 14;:
Redox Functions of Heme Oxygenase-1 and Biliverdin Reductase in Diabetes.
Rochette L, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Trends Endocrinol. Metab.. 2018 Feb;29(2):74-85
Temporal trends in the premorbid use of preventive treatments in patients with acute ischemic cerebrovascular events and a history of vascular disease: The Dijon Stroke Registry (1985-2010).
Khoumri C, Bailly H, Delpont B, Daubail B, Blanc C, Chazalon C, Durier J, Hervieu-Bègue M, Osseby GV, Rouaud O, Giroud M, Vergely C, Béjot Y
Presse Med. 2017 Dec;46(12 Pt 1):e259-e267
Transient postnatal overfeeding causes liver stress-induced premature senescence in adult mice.
Yzydorczyk C, Li N, Chehade H, Mosig D, Bidho M, Keshavjee B, Armengaud JB, Nardou K, Siddeek B, Benahmed M, Vergely C, Simeoni U
Sci Rep. 2017 Oct;7(1):12911
The role of osteoprotegerin in the crosstalk between vessels and bone: Its potential utility as a marker of cardiometabolic diseases.
Rochette L, Meloux A, Rigal E, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Pharmacol. Ther.. 2017 Aug;:
Implications of excess weight in the cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines and trastuzumab in breast cancer.
Guenancia C, Ladoire S, Ghiringelli F, Rochette L, Vergely C, Cottin Y
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2017 Feb;110(2):69-71
Increased Symmetric Dimethylarginine Level Is Associated with Worse Hospital Outcomes through Altered Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Lorin J, Guilland JC, Stamboul K, Guenancia C, Cottin Y, Rochette L, Vergely C, Zeller M
PLoS ONE. 2017 ;12(1):e0169979
Relation between high levels of myeloperoxidase in the culprit artery and microvascular obstruction, infarct size and reverse remodeling in ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
Stamboul K, Zeller M, Rochette L, Cottin Y, Cochet A, Leclercq T, Porot G, Guenancia C, Fichot M, Maillot N, Vergely C, Lorgis L
PLoS ONE. 2017 ;12(7):e0179929
"Pro-youthful" factors in the "labyrinth" of cardiac rejuvenation.
Rochette L, Vergely C
Exp. Gerontol.. 2016 Oct;83:1-5
Obesity As a Risk Factor for Anthracyclines and Trastuzumab Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Guenancia C, Lefebvre A, Cardinale D, Yu AF, Ladoire S, Ghiringhelli F, Zeller M, Rochette L, Cottin Y, Vergely C
J. Clin. Oncol.. 2016 Sep;34(26):3157-65
Short-term moderate diet restriction in adulthood can reverse oxidative, cardiovascular and metabolic alterations induced by postnatal overfeeding in mice.
Li N, Guenancia C, Rigal E, Hachet O, Chollet P, Desmoulins L, Leloup C, Rochette L, Vergely C
Sci Rep. 2016 Jul;6:30817
Cerebral microbleeds: A clinical issue for cardiologists?
Dupont G, Daubail B, Vergely C, Cottin Y, Giroud M, Béjot Y
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2016 May;109(5):299-302
TLR4/IFNγ pathways induce tumor regression via NOS II-dependent NO and ROS production in murine breast cancer models.
Lamrani M, Sassi N, Paul C, Yousfi N, Boucher JL, Gauthier N, Labbé J, Seignez C, Racoeur C, Athias A, Guerreiro R, Vergely C, Rochette L, Bettaieb A, Jeannin JF
Oncoimmunology. 2016 May;5(5):e1123369
Overweight in mice, induced by perinatal programming, exacerbates doxorubicin and trastuzumab cardiotoxicity.
Guenancia C, Hachet O, Aboutabl M, Li N, Rigal E, Cottin Y, Rochette L, Vergely C
Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol.. 2016 Apr;77(4):777-85
Coronary artery disease: Can aminothiols be distinguished from reactive oxygen species?
Rochette L, Vergely C
Nat Rev Cardiol. 2016 Mar;13(3):128-30
Alpha-lipoic acid: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential in diabetes.
Rochette L, Ghibu S, Muresan A, Vergely C
Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol.. 2015 Dec;93(12):1021-7
Growth and differentiation factor 11 (GDF11): Functions in the regulation of erythropoiesis and cardiac regeneration.
Rochette L, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Pharmacol. Ther.. 2015 Dec;156:26-33
Low Circulating Levels of Growth Differentiation Factor-15 Before Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery May Predict Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation.
Bouchot O, Guenancia C, Kahli A, Pujos C, Malapert G, Vergely C, Laurent G
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth.. 2015 Oct;29(5):1131-9
Pre-operative growth differentiation factor 15 as a novel biomarker of acute kidney injury after cardiac bypass surgery.
Guenancia C, Kahli A, Laurent G, Hachet O, Malapert G, Grosjean S, Girard C, Vergely C, Bouchot O
Int. J. Cardiol.. 2015 Oct;197:66-71
Toll-like receptor 5 deficiency exacerbates cardiac injury and inflammation induced by myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion in the mouse.
Parapanov R, Lugrin J, Rosenblatt-Velin N, Feihl F, Waeber B, Milano G, Vergely C, Li N, Pacher P, Liaudet L
Clin. Sci.. 2015 Jul;129(2):187-98
Anthracyclines/trastuzumab: new aspects of cardiotoxicity and molecular mechanisms.
Rochette L, Guenancia C, Gudjoncik A, Hachet O, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Trends Pharmacol. Sci.. 2015 Jun;36(6):326-48
Paradoxically, iron overload does not potentiate doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in vitro in cardiomyocytes and in vivo in mice.
Guenancia C, Li N, Hachet O, Rigal E, Cottin Y, Dutartre P, Rochette L, Vergely C
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.. 2015 Apr 15;284(2):152-62
The iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin: a possible therapeutic target?
Rochette L, Gudjoncik A, Guenancia C, Zeller M, Cottin Y, Vergely C
Pharmacol. Ther.. 2015 Feb;146:35-52
Atrial Fibrillation Is Associated with a Marker of Endothelial Function and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Stamboul K, Lorin J, Lorgis L, Guenancia C, Beer JC, Touzery C, Rochette L, Vergely C, Cottin Y, Zeller M
PLoS ONE. 2015 ;10(7):e0131439
Cutting edge: IL-1α is a crucial danger signal triggering acute myocardial inflammation during myocardial infarction.
Lugrin J, Parapanov R, Rosenblatt-Velin N, Rignault-Clerc S, Feihl F, Waeber B, Müller O, Vergely C, Zeller M, Tardivel A, Schneider P, Pacher P, Liaudet L
J. Immunol.. 2015 Jan;194(2):499-503