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Plateau technique en Imagerie Cellulaire et Tissulaire (PICT)
Pôle Santé
51 rue Cognacq-Jay

51100 REIMS Cedex

03 26 91 80 49






Wound Closure Promotion by Leucine-Based Pseudo-Proteins: An In Vitro Study.

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Int J Mol Sci. 2024 09 6;25(17):

Inhibition of neuraminidase-1 sialidase activity by interfering peptides impairs insulin receptor activity in vitro and glucose homeostasis in vivo.

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J Biol Chem. 2024 04 23;:107316

Methylglyoxal induces cardiac dysfunction through mechanisms involving altered intracellular calcium handling in the rat heart.

Peyret H, Konecki C, Terryn C, Dubuisson F, Millart H, Feliu C, Djerada Z

Chem Biol Interact. 2024 03 28;:110949

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