Fiche personne
Centre de Méthodologie Clinique
Hôpital Saint Jacques
2 place Saint Jacques
25030 BESANCON Cedex
03 81 21 94 94
Centre hospitalier régional universitaire de Besançon (CHRU Besançon)
Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement UMR 6249 CNRS (Chrono-Environnement)
UMR 6249 - Equipe "Écosystèmes - Contaminants - Santé (Ecos)"
Inserm CIC-uMETh 1431 (Centre d'Investigation Clinique - Unité de méthodologie)
Expertises :
- Recherche:Santé Publique
- Recherche:Epidémiologie
- Méthodologie
Contribution of point-of-care ultrasound in the prehospital management of patients with non-trauma acute dyspnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Taheri O, Samain J, Mauny F, Puyraveau M, Desmettre T, Marx T
Eur J Emerg Med. 2024 12 3;:
The level of expression of HPV16 early transcripts is not associated with the natural history of cervical lesions.
Jacquin E, Saunier M, Lepiller Q, Monnien F, Mauny F, Ramanah R, Carcopino X, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL
J Med Virol. 2024 09;96(9):e29875
Efficacy of high-flow nasal oxygen therapy started in the emergency room versus conventional oxygen therapy in patients with acute hypoxaemic respiratory distress: protocol for a French multicentric, prospective, open and randomised superiority study prot
Pretalli JB, Parmentier AL, Mauny F, Desmettre T, Marjanovic N, Capellier G, Khoury A
BMJ Open. 2024 08 19;14(8):e083262
Analysis of the transplacental transmission of SARS CoV-2 virus and antibody transfer according to the gestational age at maternal infection.
Lucot-Royer L, Nallet C, Vouga M, Puyraveau M, Mauny F, Marty-Quinternet S, Bertholdt C, Bory JP, Devalland C, Canaguier M, Copolla C, Eszto ML, Montoya Y, Roesch M, Reviron S, Riethmuller D, Rufenacht E, Simon E, Mottet N
Sci Rep. 2024 02 11;14(1):3458
Acute heart failure in elderly patients admitted to the emergency department with acute dyspnea: a multimarker approach diagnostic study.
Taheri O, Mauny F, Ray P, Puyraveau M, Dubart AE, Chenevier-Gobeaux C, Seronde MF, Mebazaa A, Martin B, Pretalli JB, Desmettre T,
Eur J Emerg Med. 2023 08 18;:
ATHLETIQUE: interest of an adapted physical activity program in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a feasibility and preliminary effectiveness study.
Py S, Maylié F, Parmentier AL, Vidal C, Cuinet B, Mauny F, Lohse A, Toussirot E, Yoshimasa S, Tordi N, Binda D, Ballot-Schmit C
Front Immunol. 2023 06 27;14:1213799
The association between real-life markers of phone use and cognitive performance, health-related quality of life and sleep.
Eeftens M, Pujol S, Klaiber A, Chopard G, Riss A, Smayra F, Flückiger B, Gehin T, Diallo K, Wiart J, Mazloum T, Mauny F, Röösli M
Environ Res. 2023 04 29;:116011
Spatialized temporal dynamics of daily ozone concentrations: Identification of the main spatial differences.
Gauthier-Manuel H, Bernard N, Boilleaut M, Giraudoux P, Pujol S, Mauny F
Environ Int. 2023 03 2;173:107859
Early exposure to farm dust in an allergic airway inflammation rabbit model: Does it affect bronchial and cough hyperresponsiveness?
Divaret-Chauveau A, Foucaud L, Demoulin B, Teston C, Loison P, Le Cann P, Schweitzer C, De Carvalho Bittencourt M, Mauny F, Demoulin-Alexikova S
PLoS One. 2023 01 27;18(1):e0279498
Simple Aspiration Versus Drainage for Complete Pneumothorax: A Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial.
Marx T, Joly LM, Parmentier AL, Pretalli JB, Puyraveau M, Meurice JC, Schmidt J, Tiffet O, Ferretti G, Lauque D, Honnart D, Al Freijat F, Dubart AE, Genre Grandpierre R, Viallon A, Perdu D, Roy PM, El Cadi T, Bronet N, Duncan G, Cardot G, Lestavel P, Mauny F, Desmettre T
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 01 24;:
Trajectories of cough without a cold in early childhood and associations with atopic diseases.
Divaret-Chauveau A, Mauny F, Hose A, Depner M, Dalphin ML, Kaulek V, Barnig C, Schaub B, Schmausser-Hechfellner E, Renz H, Riedler J, Pekkanen J, Karvonen AM, Täubel M, Lauener R, Roduit C, Vuitton DA, von Mutius E, Demoulin-Alexikova S,
Clin Exp Allergy. 2022 12 1;:
Fractures reduction with osteoporotic treatments in patients over 75-year-old: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Guillaumin M, Poirson B, Gerazime A, Puyraveau M, Tannou T, Mauny F, Toussirot É
Front Aging. 2022 11 2;3:845886
Environmental Drivers of Monkeypox Transmission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Mandja BA, Handschumacher P, Bompangue D, Gonzalez JP, Muyembe JJ, Sauleau EA, Mauny F
Ecohealth. 2022 08 27;:
Do Individuals with Internet Gaming Disorder Share Personality Traits with Substance-Dependent Individuals?
Giustiniani J, Nicolier M, Pascard M, Masse C, Vandel P, Bennabi D, Achab S, Mauny F, Haffen E
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 08 3;19(15):
Predictors of Gaming Disorder or Protective from It, in a French Sample: A Symptomatic Approach to Self-Regulation and Pursued Rewards, Providing Insights for Clinical Practice.
Achab S, Rothen S, Giustiniani J, Nicolier M, Franc E, Zullino D, Mauny F, Haffen E
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 08 2;19(15):
Environmental noise exposure is associated with atherothrombotic risk.
Koczorowski M, Bernard N, Mauny F, Chagué F, Pujol S, Maza M, Cottin Y, Zeller M,
Sci Rep. 2022 02 24;12(1):3151
Improvement of downscaled ozone concentrations from the transnational scale to the kilometric scale: Need, interest and new insights.
Gauthier-Manuel H, Mauny F, Boilleaut M, Ristori M, Pujol S, Vasbien F, Parmentier AL, Bernard N
Environ Res. 2022 Feb 17;:112947
Association between moderated level of air pollution and fetal growth: the potential role of noise exposure.
Mariet AS, Bernard N, Pujol S, Sagot P, Thiriez G, Riethmuller D, Boilleaut M, Defrance J, Houot H, Parmentier AL, Benzenine E, Mauny F, Quantin C
Sci Rep. 2021 May 27;11(1):11238
Pneumothorax and the environment: A systematic review of the impact of air pollution and meteorology, and a meta-analysis on meteorology factors.
Marx T, Bernard N, Kepka S, Gérazime A, Mauny F, Desmettre T
Environ Pollut. 2021 Apr 5;283:117089
Impact of a visual indicator on the noise level in an emergency medical dispatch centre - a pilot study.
Outrey J, Pretalli JB, Pujol S, Brembilla A, Desmettre T, Lambert C, Labourey JM, Mauny F, Khoury A
BMC Emerg Med. 2021 Feb 23;21(1):22
Cognitive Impairment in Late-Life Depression: A Comparative Study of Healthy Older People, Late-Life Depression, and Mild Alzheimer's Disease Using Multivariate Base Rates of Low Scores.
Masse C, Vandel P, Sylvestre G, Noiret N, Bennabi D, Mauny F, Puyraveau M, Barsznica Y, Dartevelle J, Meyer A, Binetruy M, Lavaux M, Ryff I, Giustiniani J, Magnin E, Galmiche J, Haffen E, Chopard G
Front Psychol. 2021 ;12:724731
Evaluation of Attachment Style and Social Support in Patients With Severe Migraine. Applications in Doctor-Patient Relationships and Treatment Adherence.
Belot RA, Bouteloup M, Bonnet M, Parmentier AL, Magnin E, Mauny F, Vuillier F
Front Neurol. 2021 ;12:706639
Hyperendemicity of cysticercosis in Madagascar: Novel insights from school children population-based antigen prevalence study.
Carod JF, Mauny F, Parmentier AL, Desmarets M, Rakotondrazaka M, Brembilla A, Dermauw V, Razafimahefa J, Ramahefarisoa RM, Andriantseheno M, Bailly S, Ménard D, Dorny P
PLoS One. 2021 ;16(10):e0258035
Volcanic activity controls cholera outbreaks in the East African Rift.
Batumbo Boloweti D, Giraudoux P, Deniel C, Garnier E, Mauny F, Kasereka CM, Kizungu R, Muyembe JJ, Bompangue D, Bornette G
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020 Aug 10;14(8):e0008406
Short term association between air pollution (PM, NO and O) and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.
Marx T, Bernard N, Parmentier AL, Puyraveau M, Martin B, Gantelet M, Pretalli JB, Dalphin JC, Mauny F, Desmettre T
Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 16;10(1):11823
To assess hemodynamic disturbances to the ostia of the renal arteries generated by the implantation of EVAR with a suprarenal fixation.
Salomon du Mont L, Parmentier AL, Puyraveau M, Mauny F, Guillon B, Rinckenbach S, Costa P
Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 May;99(18):e19917
Comparison between Type A and Type B Early Adiposity Rebound in predicting overweight and obesity in children: a longitudinal study.
Roche J, Quinart S, Thivel D, Pasteur S, Mauny F, Mougin F, Godogo S, Rose M, Marchal F, Bertrand AM, Puyraveau M, Nègre V
Br. J. Nutr.. 2020 Mar 16;:1-28
Liberal or Conservative Oxygen Therapy for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Barrot L, Asfar P, Mauny F, Winiszewski H, Montini F, Badie J, Quenot JP, Pili-Floury S, Bouhemad B, Louis G, Souweine B, Collange O, Pottecher J, Levy B, Puyraveau M, Vettoretti L, Constantin JM, Capellier G,
N. Engl. J. Med.. 2020 03 12;382(11):999-1008
Pregnancy vulnerability in urban areas: a pragmatic approach combining behavioral, medico-obstetrical, socio-economic and environmental factors.
Brembilla A, Bernard N, Pujol S, Parmentier AL, Eckman A, Mariet AS, Houot H, Tenailleau Q, Thiriez G, Riethmuller D, Barba-Vasseur M, Mauny F
Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 11;9(1):18878
Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Monkeypox in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2000-2015.
Mandja BM, Brembilla A, Handschumacher P, Bompangue D, Gonzalez JP, Muyembe JJ, Mauny F
Ecohealth. 2019 Aug 13;:
The score of integrated disease surveillance and response adequacy (SIA): a pragmatic score for comparing weekly reported diseases based on a systematic review.
Mandja BM, Bompangue D, Handschumacher P, Gonzalez JP, Salem G, Muyembe JJ, Mauny F
BMC Public Health. 2019 May 22;19(1):624
Does air pollution really impact the onset of spontaneous pneumothorax? A French case-crossover study.
Marx T, Bernard N, Parmentier AL, Puyraveau M, Martin B, Gantelet M, Pretalli JB, Dalphin JC, Mauny F, Desmettre T
Environ Int. 2019 Apr 3;127:317-323
How spontaneous pneumothorax is managed in emergency departments: a French multicentre descriptive study.
Kepka S, Dalphin JC, Pretalli JB, Parmentier AL, Lauque D, Trebes G, ,Mauny F, Desmettre T
BMC Emerg Med. 2019 Jan 11;19(1):4
Multiple pregnancies and air pollution in moderately polluted cities: Is there an association between air pollution and fetal growth?
Mariet AS, Mauny F, Pujol S, Thiriez G, Sagot P, Riethmuller D, Boilleaut M, Defrance J, Houot H, Parmentier AL, Vasseur-Barba M, Benzenine E, Quantin C, Bernard N
Environ Int. 2018 Oct 19;121(Pt 1):890-897
Development and interlaboratory agreement of real-time PCR for HPV16 quantification in liquid-based cervical samples.
Guenat D, Dalstein V, Mauny F, Saunier M, Briolat J, Clavel C, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL
Papillomavirus Res. 2018 Oct 18;:
How to set up a database?-a five-step process.
Brembilla A, Martin B, Parmentier AL, Desmarets M, Falcoz PE, Puyraveau M, Mauny F
J Thorac Dis. 2018 Oct;10(Suppl 29):S3533-S3538
Use of the Cox regression analysis in thoracic surgical research.
Brembilla A, Olland A, Puyraveau M, Massard G, Mauny F, Falcoz PE
J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jun;10(6):3891-3896
Determinants of primary healthcare seeking behaviours for children during the first 18 months of life in Benin.
Brembilla A, Faucher JF, Garcia A, Koura KG, Deloron P, Parmentier AL, Pierrat C, Cottrell G, Mauny F
Int Health. 2018 Apr 5;:
High Prevalence of Anal Canal High-risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Patients With Crohn's Disease.
Vuitton L, Jacquin E, Parmentier AL, Crochet E, Fein F, Dupont-Gossart AC, Plastaras L, Bretagne CH, Mauny F, Koch S, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Valmary-Degano S
Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.. 2018 Mar 15;:
Does low to moderate environmental exposure to noise and air pollution influence preterm delivery in medium-sized cities?
Barba-Vasseur M, Bernard N, Pujol S, Sagot P, Riethmuller D, Thiriez G, Houot H, Defrance J, Mariet AS, Luu VP, Barbier A, Benzenine E, Quantin C, Mauny F
Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Dec 1;46(6):2017-2027
Clinical Effectiveness of Intravenous Exenatide Infusion in Perioperative Glycemic Control after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Phase II/III Randomized Trial.
Besch G, Perrotti A, Mauny F, Puyraveau M, Baltres M, Flicoteaux G, Salomon du Mont L, Barrucand B, Samain E, Chocron S, Pili-Floury S
Anesthesiology. 2017 11;127(5):775-787
Skin prick tests and specific IgE in 10-year-old children: Agreement and association with allergic diseases.
Chauveau A, Dalphin ML, Mauny F, Kaulek V, Schmausser-Hechfellner E, Renz H, Riedler J, Pekkanen J, Karvonen AM, Lauener R, Roduit C, Vuitton DA, von Mutius E, Dalphin JC,
Allergy. 2017 Sep;72(9):1365-1373
Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Admitted in Emergency Unit: Does First Episode Differ from Recurrence? A Cross-Sectional Study.
Kepka S, Dalphin JC, Parmentier AL, Pretalli JB, Gantelet M, Bernard N, Mauny F, Desmettre T
Can. Respir. J.. 2017 ;2017:2729548
The RAPID Neuropsychological Test Battery for Subjects Aged 50-89: From Norms to Cognitive Profile.
Sylvestre G, Mauny F, Lavaux M, Puyraveau M, Binetruy M, Meyer A, Vandel P, Galmiche J, Chopard G
Eur. Neurol.. 2017 ;78(5-6):247-256
Noise Annoyance in Urban Children: A Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study.
Grelat N, Houot H, Pujol S, Levain JP, Defrance J, Mariet AS, Mauny F
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 10 28;13(11):
Do outdoor environmental noise and atmospheric NO2 levels spatially overlap in urban areas?
Tenailleau QM, Bernard N, Pujol S, Parmentier AL, Boilleaut M, Houot H, Joly D, Mauny F
Environ. Pollut.. 2016 Jul;214:767-775
Obesity is Not an Independent Factor for Adverse Outcome after Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.
Salomon du Mont L, Mauny F, Chrétien N, Kazandjan C, Bourgeot C, Crespy V, Abello N, Rinckenbach S, Steinmetz E
Ann Vasc Surg. 2016 May;33:67-74
Antibiotics usage in infants during the first 18 months of life in Benin: a population-based cohort study.
Brembilla A, Mauny F, Garcia A, Koura KG, Deloron P, Faucher JF
Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.. 2016 Apr;35(4):681-9
Prevalence and risk factors for COPD in farmers: a cross-sectional controlled study.
Guillien A, Puyraveau M, Soumagne T, Guillot S, Rannou F, Marquette D, Berger P, Jouneau S, Monnet E, Mauny F, Laplante JJ, Dalphin JC, Degano B
Eur. Respir. J.. 2016 Jan;47(1):95-103
Air pollution in moderately polluted urban areas: How does the definition of "neighborhood" impact exposure assessment?
Tenailleau QM, Mauny F, Joly D, François S, Bernard N
Environ. Pollut.. 2015 Nov;206:437-48
Typology of "Fatigue" by Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Elite Nordic-skiers.
Schmitt L, Regnard J, Parmentier AL, Mauny F, Mourot L, Coulmy N, Millet GP
Int J Sports Med. 2015 Nov;36(12):999-1007
[Assessment of 10 years of memory consultations in the Franche-Comté: Description and analysis of the RAPID regional database].
Bereau M, Sylvestre G, Mauny F, Puyraveau M, Baudier F, Magnin E, Berger E, Vandel P, Galmiche J, Chopard G
Rev. Neurol. (Paris). 2015 Sep;171(8-9):655-61
Assessing residential exposure to urban noise using environmental models: does the size of the local living neighborhood matter?
Tenailleau QM, Bernard N, Pujol S, Houot H, Joly D, Mauny F
J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2015 Jan;25(1):89-96
Spectrum Effect and Spectrum Bias in the Screening Test Performance for Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: What are the Clinical Implications?
Chopard G, Puyraveau M, Binetruy M, Meyer A, Vandel P, Magnin E, Berger E, Galmiche J, Mauny F
J. Alzheimers Dis.. 2015 ;48(2):385-93
Indoor noise exposure at home: a field study in the family of urban schoolchildren.
Pujol S, Berthillier M, Defrance J, Lardies J, Levain JP, Petit R, Houot H, Mauny F
Indoor Air. 2014 Oct;24(5):511-20
Real-time duplex PCR for simultaneous HPV 16 and HPV 18 DNA quantitation.
Jacquin E, Saunier M, Mauny F, Schwarz E, Mougin C, Prétet JL
J. Virol. Methods. 2013 Nov;193(2):498-502
Evaluation of the number of opportunities for hand hygiene in hospital: a new methodological approach.
Slekovec C, Denizot V, Vettoretti L, Ponchon A, Mauny F, Hocquet D, Bertrand X, Talon D
Int J Nurs Stud. 2013 Mar;50(3):413-8
Expression of E-cadherin and alpha-, beta-, gamma-catenins in patients with bladder cancer: identification of gamma-catenin as a new prognostic marker of neoplastic progression in T1 superficial urothelial tumors.
Clairotte A, Lascombe I, Fauconnet S, Mauny F, Felix S, Algros MP, Bittard H, Kantelip B
Am J Clin Pathol. 2006 Jan;125(1):119-26.
TP53 polymorphism of exon 4 at codon 72 in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and benign epithelial lesions of renal transplant recipients and immunocompetent individuals: lack of correlation with human papillomavirus status.
Cairey-Remonnay S, Humbey O, Mougin C, Algros MP, Mauny F, Kanitakis J, Euvrard S, Laurent R, Aubin F
J Invest Dermatol. 2002 Jun;118(6):1026-31.