Dr BIANCO Alberto


Carbon Dot Synthesis and Purification: Trends, Challenges and Recommendations.

Hu Y, Seivert O, Tang Y, Karahan HE, Bianco A

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2024 08 20;:e202412341

Hazard assessment of hexagonal boron nitride and hexagonal boron nitride reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites using human skin and lung cells.

Carlin M, Kaur J, Ciobanu DZ, Song Z, Olsson M, Totu T, Gupta G, Peng G, González VJ, Janica I, Pozo VF, Chortarea S, Buljan M, Buerki-Thurnherr T, Rio Castillo AED, Thorat SB, Bonaccorso F, Tubaro A, Vazquez E, Prato M, Armirotti A, Wick P, Bianco A, Fadeel B, Pelin M

J Hazard Mater. 2024 05 22;473:134686

Cytotoxicity assessment of exfoliated MoS using primary human mast cells and the progenitor cell-derived mast cell line LAD2.

Lin H, Del Rio Castillo AE, González VJ, Bonaccorso F, Vázquez E, Fadeel B, Bianco A

Nanoscale Adv. 2024 04 30;6(9):2419-2430

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