Liquid crystals and emulsions in the formulation of drug carriers

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2008


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Saulnier P, Anton N, Heurtault B, Benoit JP


Targetting an encapsulated drug towards a diseased organ, with the possibility to control its release at the right place and at the right time, is one among numerous questions asked to the new nanotechnologies. We present a partial answer with the example of recently elaborated lipidic nanocapsules. Liquid crystals play a role in the preparation techniques, and possibly in the delivery mechanisms of the active principle in situ. We also know that liquid crystalline behaviours are involved at the membrane level and are essential in the cell machinery. Drug nanocarriers could find their way, as do viruses, in the liquid crystalline context of cell organization.


C R Chim. 2008 Mar;11(3):221-8