Phase-unwrapping algorithm for images with high noise content based on a local histogram.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2005


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr HUMBERT Philippe

Tous les auteurs :
Meneses J, Gharbi T, Humbert P


We present a robust algorithm of phase unwrapping that was designed for use on phase images with high noise content. We proceed with the algorithm by first identifying regions with continuous phase values placed between fringe boundaries in an image and then phase shifting the regions with respect to one another by multiples of 2pi to unwrap the phase. Image pixels are segmented between interfringe and fringe boundary areas by use of a local histogram of a wrapped phase. The algorithm has been used successfully to unwrap phase images generated in a three-dimensional shape measurement for noninvasive quantification of human skin structure in dermatology, cosmetology, and plastic surgery.


Appl Opt. 2005 Mar 1;44(7):1207-15.