Impact of adjuvant hormonotherapy on radiation-induced breast fibrosis according to the individual radiosensitivity: results of a multicenter prospective French trial.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2018




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr NOEL Georges, Dr PEIGNAUX Karine

Tous les auteurs :
Bourgier C, Castan F, Riou O, Nguyen TD, Peignaux K, Lemanski C, Lagrange JL, Kirova Y, Lartigau E, Belkacemi Y, Rivera S, Noël G, Clippe S, Mornex F, Hennequin C, Gourgou S, Brengues M, Fenoglietto P, Ozsahin EM, Azria D


To evaluate risk of severe breast fibrosis occurrence in patients treated by breast-conserving surgery, adjuvant radiotherapy and hormonotherapy (HT) according to individual radiosensitivity (RILA assay).

Mots clés

breast cancer, hormonotherapy, individual radiosensitivity, late effects, radiotherapy


Oncotarget. 2018 Mar 20;9(21):15757-15765