Risk of subsequent colorectal cancers after a solid tumor in childhood: Effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2018


Pediatric blood & cancer


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr MUNZER Martine

Tous les auteurs :
Allodji RS, Haddy N, Vu-Bezin G, Dumas A, Fresneau B, Mansouri I, Demoor-Goldschmidt C, El-Fayech C, Pacquement H, Munzer M, Bondiau PY, Berchery D, Oberlin O, Rubino C, Diallo I, de Vathaire F


Very few previous studies have addressed the question of colorectal cancer (CRC) after childhood cancer treatment. We aimed to quantify the roles of radiation therapy and chemotherapy agents in the occurrence of subsequent CRC.

Mots clés

anthracyclines, chemotherapy, childhood cancer survivors, procarbazine, radiotherapy, subsequent colorectal cancers, vincristine


Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018 Oct 21;:e27495