FAK Regulates Dynein Localization and Cell Polarity in Migrating Mouse Fibroblasts.

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2019


Biology of the cell


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr DUJARDIN Denis, Dr RONDE Philippe

Tous les auteurs :
Fructuoso M, Legrand M, Mousson A, Steffan T, Vauchelles R, De Mey J, Sick E, Rondé P, Dujardin D


Fibroblasts executing directional migration position their centrosome, and their Golgi apparatus, in front of the nucleus toward the cell leading edge. Centrosome positioning relative to the nucleus has been associated to mechanical forces exerted on the centrosome by the microtubule-dependent molecular motor cytoplasmic dynein 1, and to nuclear movements such as rearward displacement and rotation events. Dynein has been proposed to regulate the position of the centrosome by exerting pulling forces on microtubules from the cell leading edge, where the motor is enriched during migration. However, the mechanism explaining how dynein acts at the front of the cells has not been elucidated.

Mots clés

FAK, cell migration, centrosome polarity, cytoplasmic dynein


Biol. Cell. 2019 Dec 20;: