Knowledge and opinions of French dental students related to caries risk assessment and dental sealants (preventive and therapeutic).

Fiche publication

Date publication

mai 2020




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr FIORETTI Florence

Tous les auteurs :
Le Clerc J, Gasqui MA, Laforest L, Beaurain M, Ceinos R, Chemla F, Chevalier V, Colon P, Fioretti F, Gevrey A, Kérourédan O, Maret D, Mocquot C, Özcan C, Pelissier B, Pérez F, Terrer E, Turpin YL, Arbab-Chirani R, Seux D, Doméjean S


A national questionnaire study was performed to document knowledge and opinions of French dental students (FDSs) about minimal intervention (MI) in dentistry especially caries risk assessment (CRA) and dental sealants (DSs).

Mots clés

Caries risk assessment, Dental sealants, Dental students, Minimal intervention dentistry, Questionnaire survey


Odontology. 2020 May 29;: