Developmental and epilepsy spectrum of KCNB1 encephalopathy with long-term outcome.

Fiche publication

Date publication

septembre 2020




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr LEBRE Anne-Sophie

Tous les auteurs :
Bar C, Kuchenbuch M, Barcia G, Schneider A, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Lesca G, Mignot C, Montomoli M, Parrini E, Isnard H, Rolland A, Keren B, Afenjar A, Dorison N, Sadleir LG, Breuillard D, Levy R, Rio M, Dupont S, Negrin S, Danieli A, Scalais E, De Saint Martin A, El Chehadeh S, Chelly J, Poisson A, Lebre AS, Nica A, Odent S, Sekhara T, Brankovic V, Goldenberg A, Vrielynck P, Lederer D, Maurey H, Terrone G, Besmond C, Hubert L, Berquin P, Billette de Villemeur T, Isidor B, Freeman JL, Mefford HC, Myers CT, Howell KB, Rodríguez-Sacristán Cascajo A, Meyer P, Genevieve D, Guët A, Doummar D, Durigneux J, van Dooren MF, de Wit MCY, Gerard M, Marey I, Munnich A, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Kabashi E, Nabbout R


We aimed to delineate the phenotypic spectrum and long-term outcome of individuals with KCNB1 encephalopathy.

Mots clés

autism spectrum disorders, developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, developmental encephalopathy, drug-resistant epilepsy, potassium channels, sudden unexpected death in epilepsy


Epilepsia. 2020 Sep 21;: