Comparative Study of Secreted Proteins, Enzymatic Activities of Wood Degradation and Stilbene Metabolization in Grapevine Botryosphaeria Dieback Fungi.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juillet 2021


Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Labois C, Stempien E, Schneider J, Schaeffer-Reiss C, Bertsch C, Goddard ML, Chong J


fungi are plant pathogens associated with Botryosphaeria dieback. To better understand the virulence factors of these fungi, we investigated the diversity of secreted proteins and extracellular enzyme activities involved in wood degradation and stilbene metabolization in and , which are two major fungi associated with grapevine B. dieback. Regarding the analysis of proteins secreted by the two fungi, our study revealed that . , known to be more aggressive than . , was characterized by a higher quantity and diversity of secreted proteins, especially hydrolases and oxidoreductases that are likely involved in cell wall and lignin degradation. In addition, when fungi were grown with wood powder, the extracellular laccase and Mn peroxidase enzyme activities were significantly higher in . compared to . Importantly, our work also showed that secreted proteins produced after grapevine wood addition are able to rapidly metabolize the grapevine stilbenes. Overall, a higher diversity of resveratrol and piceatannol metabolization products was found with enzymes of compared to This study emphasizes the diversity of secreted virulence factors found in B. dieback fungi and suggests that some resveratrol oligomers produced in grapevine wood after pathogen attack could be formed via pathogenic fungal oxidases.

Mots clés

Botryosphaeriaceae, grapevine, secreted proteins, stilbene metabolization


J Fungi (Basel). 2021 Jul 16;7(7):