Classification of 101 BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants of uncertain significance by cosegregation study: A powerful approach.

Fiche publication

Date publication

septembre 2021


American journal of human genetics


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr LIMACHER Jean-Marc, Dr LIZARD Sarab, Dr MAUGARD Christine, Dr COLLONGE-RAME Marie-Agnès, Dr BENIGNI Charlotte, Dr GOUSSOT Vincent

Tous les auteurs :
Caputo SM, Golmard L, Léone M, Damiola F, Guillaud-Bataille M, Revillion F, Rouleau E, Derive N, Buisson A, Basset N, Schwartz M, Vilquin P, Garrec C, Privat M, Gay-Bellile M, Abadie C, Abidallah K, Airaud F, Allary AS, Barouk-Simonet E, Belotti M, Benigni C, Benusiglio PR, Berthemin C, Berthet P, Bertrand O, Bézieau S, Bidart M, Bignon YJ, Birot AM, Blanluet M, Bloucard A, Bombled J, Bonadona V, Bonnet F, Bonnet-Dupeyron MN, Boulaire M, Boulouard F, Bouras A, Bourdon V, Brahimi A, Brayotel F, Bressac de Paillerets B, Bronnec N, Bubien V, Buecher B, Cabaret O, Carriere J, Chiesa J, Chieze-Valéro S, Cohen C, Cohen-Haguenauer O, Colas C, Collonge-Rame MA, Conoy AL, Coulet F, Coupier I, Crivelli L, Cusin V, De Pauw A, Dehainault C, Delhomelle H, Delnatte C, Demontety S, Denizeau P, Devulder P, Dreyfus H, d'Enghein CD, Dupré A, Durlach A, Dussart S, Fajac A, Fekairi S, Fert-Ferrer S, Fiévet A, Fouillet R, Mouret-Fourme E, Gauthier-Villars M, Gesta P, Giraud S, Gladieff L, Goldbarg V, Goussot V, Guibert V, Guillerm E, Guy C, Hardouin A, Heude C, Houdayer C, Ingster O, Jacquot-Sawka C, Jones N, Krieger S, Lacoste S, Lallaoui H, Larbre H, Laugé A, Le Guyadec G, Le Mentec M, Lecerf C, Le Gall J, Legendre B, Legrand C, Legros A, Lejeune S, Lidereau R, Lignon N, Limacher JM, Doriane Livon, Lizard S, Longy M, Lortholary A, Macquere P, Mailliez A, Malsa S, Margot H, Mari V, Maugard C, Meira C, Menjard J, Molière D, Moncoutier V, Moretta-Serra J, Muller E, Nevière Z, Nguyen Minh Tuan TV, Noguchi T, Noguès C, Oca F, Popovici C, Prieur F, Raad S, Rey JM, Ricou A, Salle L, Saule C, Sevenet N, Simaga F, Sobol H, Suybeng V, Tennevet I, Tenreiro H, Tinat J, Toulas C, Turbiez I, Uhrhammer N, Vande Perre P, Vaur D, Venat L, Viellard N, Villy MC, Warcoin M, Yvard A, Zattara H, Caron O, Lasset C, Remenieras A, Boutry-Kryza N, Castéra L, Stoppa-Lyonnet D


Up to 80% of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic variants remain of uncertain clinical significance (VUSs). Only variants classified as pathogenic or likely pathogenic can guide breast and ovarian cancer prevention measures and treatment by PARP inhibitors. We report the first results of the ongoing French national COVAR (cosegregation variant) study, the aim of which is to classify BRCA1/2 VUSs. The classification method was a multifactorial model combining different associations between VUSs and cancer, including cosegregation data. At this time, among the 653 variants selected, 101 (15%) distinct variants shared by 1,624 families were classified as pathogenic/likely pathogenic or benign/likely benign by the COVAR study. Sixty-six of the 101 (65%) variants classified by COVAR would have remained VUSs without cosegregation data. Of note, among the 34 variants classified as pathogenic by COVAR, 16 remained VUSs or likely pathogenic when following the ACMG/AMP variant classification guidelines. Although the initiation and organization of cosegregation analyses require a considerable effort, the growing number of available genetic tests results in an increasing number of families sharing a particular variant, and thereby increases the power of such analyses. Here we demonstrate that variant cosegregation analyses are a powerful tool for the classification of variants in the BRCA1/2 breast-ovarian cancer predisposition genes.

Mots clés

BRCA1, BRCA2, classification, clinical, cosegregation data, multifactorial model, variant of uncertain significance


Am J Hum Genet. 2021 Sep 27;: