Knowledge and Opinions of French Dental Students in Operative Dentistry - Management of Deep Carious Lesions.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2021


Oral health & preventive dentistry


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr FIORETTI Florence

Tous les auteurs :
Gasqui MA, Laforest L, Le Clerc J, Ceinos R, Chemla F, Chevalier V, Colon P, Fioretti F, Gevrey A, Kérourédan O, Maret D, Mocquot C, Ozcan C, Perez F, Terrer E, Turpin YL, Arbab-Chirani R, Doméjean S, Seux D


A questionnaire survey was recently undertaken among French dental students (FDSs) to investigate their practices, knowledge and opinions in various domains of minimal intervention (MI) in cariology. The present work focuses on management of deep carious lesions (DCLs).

Mots clés

deep carious lesions, dental education, dental students, minimal intervention


Oral Health Prev Dent. 2021 Jan 7;19(1):627-634