[French practical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of IPF - 2021 update, full version].

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2022


Revue des maladies respiratoires


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr BONNIAUD Philippe

Tous les auteurs :
Cottin V, Bonniaud P, Cadranel J, Crestani B, Jouneau S, Marchand-Adam S, Nunes H, Wémeau-Stervinou L, Bergot E, Blanchard E, Borie R, Bourdin A, Chenivesse C, Clément A, Gomez E, Gondouin A, Hirschi S, Lebargy F, Marquette CH, Montani D, Prévot G, Quetant S, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Salaun M, Sanchez O, Trumbic B, Berkani K, Brillet PY, Campana M, Chalabreysse L, Chatté G, Debieuvre D, Ferretti G, Fourrier JM, Just N, Kambouchner M, Legrand B, Le Guillou F, Lhuillier JP, Mehdaoui A, Naccache JM, Paganon C, Rémy-Jardin M, Si-Mohamed S, Terrioux P,


Since the previous French guidelines were published in 2017, substantial additional knowledge about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has accumulated.

Mots clés

Biopsie, Biopsy, Common interstitial lung disease, Fibrose pulmonaire, Interstitial lung disease, Pneumopathie interstitielle commune, Pneumopathie interstitielle diffuse, Pulmonary fibrosis


Rev Mal Respir. 2022 06 22;: