Adjuvant hypofractionated radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost after breast-conserving surgery: A systematic literature review.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2022


Translational oncology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr MATHELIN Carole, Pr NOEL Georges, Pr PETIT Thierry, Mme CHAMBRELANT Isabelle

Tous les auteurs :
Schmitt M, Menoux I, Chambrelant I, Hild C, Petit T, Mathelin C, Noël G


Several studies have shown that simultaneous integrated boost provides better dose homogeneity, improves the biologically effective dose-volume histogram and reduces treatment time compared to sequential boost in breast cancer.

Mots clés

Breast carcinoma, Hypofractionated radiotherapy, Radiotherapy, Simultaneous integrated boost


Transl Oncol. 2022 08;22:101456