Management of biliary tract cancers in early-onset patients: A nested multicenter retrospective study of the ACABI GERCOR PRONOBIL cohort.

Fiche publication

Date publication

avril 2024


Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr VERNEREY Dewi, Dr VIENOT Angélique, Mme HENRIQUES Julie

Tous les auteurs :
Lebeaud A, Antoun L, Paccard JR, Edeline J, Bourien H, Fares N, Tournigand C, Lecomte T, Tougeron D, Hautefeuille V, Viénot A, Henriques J, Williet N, Bachet JB, Smolenschi C, Hollebecque A, Macarulla T, Castet F, Malka D, Neuzillet C, Vernerey D, Boilève A, Turpin A


Accumulating data has shown the rising incidence and poor prognosis of early-onset gastrointestinal cancers, but few data exist on biliary tract cancers (BTC). We aimed to analyse the clinico-pathological, molecular, therapeutic characteristics and prognosis of patients with early onset BTC (EOBTC, age ≤50 years at diagnosis), versus olders.

Mots clés

biliary tract cancers, chemotherapy, cholangiocarcinoma, early onset, molecular testing


Liver Int. 2024 04 8;: