French national survey on breast cancer care: caregiver and patient views.

Fiche publication

Date publication

avril 2024


Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr ARNOULD Laurent

Tous les auteurs :
Rousset-Jablonski C, Lortal B, Lantheaume S, Arnould L, Simon H, Tuszynski AS, Courtier M, Debbah S, Lefrançois M, Balbin S, Kably AS, Toledano A


To improve the quality of care for patients with breast cancer, an analysis of the health-care pathway, considering feedback from both health-care practitioners (HCPs) and patients, is needed.

Mots clés

Breast neoplasms, Cancer survivorship, France, Good clinical practices, Health care, Patient views


Breast Cancer. 2024 04 18;: