Attributes for a discrete-choice experiment on preferences of patients for oncology pharmacy consultations.

Fiche publication

Date publication

avril 2024


Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr ETIENNE-SELLOUM Nelly, Pr NERICH Virginie, Pr SCHMITT Antonin, Mme MEURISSE Aurélia

Tous les auteurs :
Damerval M, Bennani M, Rioufol C, Omrani S, Riboulet M, Etienne-Selloum N, Saint-Ghislain A, Leenhardt F, Schmitt A, Simon N, Clairet AL, Meurisse A, , Nerich V


To ensure the safe use of oral anticancer drugs, oncology pharmacy consultations (OPCs) have been established in France. They are conditioned by the needs, expectations, and involvement of the patients in their care. Thus, it is essential to elicit their preferences. The discrete-choice experiment (DCE) is a method recommended by the ISPOR for such a task. The "selection and validation of attributes and their values" step is fundamental in this process. In this context, the aim of this study was to present our research approach to identify and validate the attributes that characterize an OPC and their values.

Mots clés

Delphi method, Discrete-choice experiment, Oncology pharmacy consultation, Patient healthcare, Preferences


Support Care Cancer. 2024 04 30;32(5):318