Risk of fungal exposure in the homes of patients with hematologic malignancies.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2024


Journal de mycologie medicale


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Sautour M, Guilloteau A, Valot S, Basmaciyan L, Bailly E, Sixt N, Tetu J, Lafon I, Caillot D, Dalle F


Patients with hematological malignancies are at a high risk of developing invasive fungal infections (IFI) because they undergo several cycles of treatment leading to episodes of neutropenia. In addition, they alternate between hospital stays and periods spent at home. Thus, when an IFI is diagnosed during their hospital stays, it is highly challenging to identify the origin of the fungal contamination. The objective of this study was to analyze at home fungal exposure of 20 patients with leukemia by taking air and water samples in their living residence.

Mots clés

Immunocompromised patients, Indoor air, Invasive aspergillosis, Molds, Prevention, Water


J Mycol Med. 2024 06 8;34(3):101492