General practitioners-community pharmacists pharmacotherapy discussion groups: Analysis of their implementation through a series of case studies.

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2023


Exploratory research in clinical and social pharmacy


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr PEYRON Christine

Tous les auteurs :
Macé F, De Vriese C, Nelissen-Vrancken M, Ruggli M, Brülhart M, Peyron C


The evolution of primary care practice has led to the implementation of pharmacotherapy discussion groups between general practitioners and community pharmacists (PPPDGs) in some countries. The aim of these groups is to improve drug prescribing practices and strengthen interprofessional relationships.

Mots clés

Community pharmacist, Drug prescribing, General practitioner, Interprofessional collaboration, Primary care organization, Quality circle


Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm. 2023 12;12:100331