Interventional therapeutic procedures to treat degenerative and inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions: state of the art.

Fiche publication

Date publication

novembre 2019


La Radiologia medica


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr CAZZATO Roberto-Luigi

Tous les auteurs :
Chianca V, Orlandi D, Messina C, Albano D, Corazza A, Rapisarda S, Pozzi G, Cazzato RL, Mauri G, Silvestri E, Sconfienza LM


Imaging-guided interventional procedures have become increasingly popular in the treatment of several pathologic conditions in the musculoskeletal system. Besides oncological treatments, musculoskeletal procedures can be performed to treat different degenerative or inflammatory conditions. This paper is aimed to review clinical indications and technical aspects of these kinds of procedures. In particular, we revise the general aspects common to most procedures and the different imaging-guided interventions which can be performed around joints, soft tissues, and spine.

Mots clés

Interventional radiology, Musculoskeletal system, Osteoarthritis, Tendinopathy, Ultrasound


Radiol Med. 2019 11;124(11):1112-1120