Cryoablation of lung malignancies recurring close to surgical clips following surgery: Report of three cases.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2015


The Indian journal of radiology & imaging


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr CAZZATO Roberto-Luigi

Tous les auteurs :
Grasso RF, Luppi G, Cazzato RL, Del Vescovo R, Giurazza F, Mercurio S, Faiella E, Zobel BB


Minimally ablative therapies are now available for the treatment of lung malignancies. However, selection of the appropriate technique is not always easy and requires accurate preoperative planning.

Mots clés

Computed tomography guidance, cryoablation, lung cancer, lung metastasis


Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2015 ;25(1):11-4