The CD47/TSP-1 axis: a promising avenue for ovarian cancer treatment and biomarker research.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2024


Molecular cancer


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr DEDIEU Stéphane, Pr KURTZ Jean-Emmanuel, Dr LANGLOIS Benoît, Dr FAVIER Laure, Dr SCHNEIDER Christophe

Tous les auteurs :
Moniot A, Schneider C, Chardin L, Yaniz-Galende E, Genestie C, Etiennot M, Henry A, Drelon C, Le Formal A, Langlois B, Venat L, Louvet C, Favier L, Lortholary A, Berton-Rigaud D, Dohollou N, Desauw C, Fabbro M, Malaurie E, Dubot C, Kurtz JE, Bonichon Lamichhane N, Pujade-Lauraine É, Jeanne A, Leary A, Dedieu S


Ovarian cancer (OC) remains one of the most challenging and deadly malignancies facing women today. While PARP inhibitors (PARPis) have transformed the treatment landscape for women with advanced OC, many patients will relapse and the PARPi-resistant setting is an area of unmet medical need. Traditional immunotherapies targeting PD-1/PD-L1 have failed to show any benefit in OC. The CD47/TSP-1 axis may be relevant in OC. We aimed to describe changes in CD47 expression with platinum therapy and their relationship with immune features and prognosis.

Mots clés

CD47, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Ovarian cancer, PARP, TSP-1


Mol Cancer. 2024 08 14;23(1):166