Long-term behavioral symptom clusters among survivors of early-stage breast cancer. development and validation of a predictive model.

Fiche publication

Date publication

septembre 2024


Journal of the National Cancer Institute


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BERTAUT Aurélie, Pr PETIT Thierry

Tous les auteurs :
Pagliuca M, Havas J, Thomas E, Drouet Y, Soldato D, Franzoi MA, Ribeiro J, Chiodi CK, Gillanders E, Pistilli B, Menvielle G, Joly F, Lerebours F, Rigal O, Petit T, Giacchetti S, Dalenc F, Wassermann J, Arsene O, Martin AL, Everhard S, Tredan O, Boyault S, De Laurentiis M, Viari A, Deleuze JF, Bertaut A, André F, Vaz-Luis I, Di Meglio A


Fatigue, cognitive impairment, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbance are cancer-related behavioral symptoms (CRBS) that may persist years after early-stage breast cancer (BC), affecting quality of life. We aimed at generating a predictive model of long-term CRBS clusters among BC survivors four years post-diagnosis.


J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024 09 9;: