Anti-inflammatory effects of acacia and guar gum in 5-amino salicylic acid formulations in experimental colitis.

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2021


International journal of pharmaceutics: X


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Jhundoo HD, Siefen T, Liang A, Schmidt C, Lokhnauth J, Moulari B, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Larsen CC, Lamprecht A


Findings from recent studies revealed a significant anti-inflammatory effect of polysaccharide-based excipients when formulated with classical drugs in experimental inflammatory bowel disease models. In this study, acacia and guar gum were investigated beyond their typical functionality for a possible additive anti-inflammatory effect when administered with 5-amino salicylic acid (5ASA) in murine experimental colitis. Anti-inflammatory effects of acacia and guar gum-based aqueous suspensions of 5ASA were evaluated in a murine experimental colitis. Acacia or guar gum (30 or 300 mg/kg) were administered rectal administration alone or in combination with 5ASA (30 mg/kg). Disease activity, myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) and intratissue concentrations of various cytokines were assessed. Both acacia and guar gum separately showed significant effects in reducing the inflammatory markers in murine colitis model . When combined with the anti-inflammatory drug 5ASA, acacia showed a stronger therapeutic effect than guar gum, especially at the higher dose of acacia (300 mg/kg) which significantly reduced the inflammation compared to 5ASA alone (MPO, 5ASA: 5743 ± 1334, 5ASA + 30 mg/kg acacia: 3762 ± 2342; 5ASA + 30 mg/kg guar gum: 7373 ± 2115, 5ASA + 300 mg/kg acacia: 3131 ± 1012, 5ASA + 300 mg/kg guar gum: 6358 ± 2379; all U/g tissue). Acacia and guar gum separately showed significant anti-inflammatory effects in murine colitis, and furthermore, high dose acacia led to an additional therapeutic benefit when co-administered with 5ASA. These results indicate that further investigations are surely warranted in the search of better colitis therapy.

Mots clés

5-Amino salicylic acid, Acacia, Colitis, Guar gum, Inflammatory bowel disease


Int J Pharm X. 2021 12;3:100080