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UMR7242 Biotechnologie et Signalisation Cellulaire - ESBS
300 bd Sébastien Brant
CS 10413
67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex

03 68 85 47 63






Expertises :
- Recherche:Biologie Cellulaire
- Recherche:Biologie Structurale
- Recherche:Biologie Moléculaire
- Recherche:Virologie


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Tracing endogenous proteins in living cells through electrotransfer of mRNA encoding chromobodies.

Juncker T, Richert L, Masson M, Zuber G, Chatton B, Donzeau M

Biotechnol J. 2024 02;19(2):e2300548

The unfolded protein response-glutathione metabolism axis: A novel target of a cycloruthenated complexes bypassing tumor resistance mechanisms.

Riegel G, Orvain C, Recberlik S, Spaety ME, Poschet G, Venkatasamy A, Yamamoto M, Nomura S, Tsukamoto T, Masson M, Gross I, Le Lagadec R, Mellitzer G, Gaiddon C

Cancer Lett. 2024 01 28;:216671

The E2F4/p130 Repressor Complex Cooperates with Oncogenic ΔNp73α To Inhibit Gene Expression in Human Papillomavirus 38 E6/E7-Transformed Keratinocytes and in Cancer Cells.

Taverniti V, Krynska H, Venuti A, Straub ML, Sirand C, Lohmann E, Romero-Medina MC, Moro S, Robitaille A, Negroni L, Martinez-Zapien D, Masson M, Tommasino M, Zanier K

mSphere. 2023 03 8;:e0005623

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