Pr DECOT Véronique

Fiche personne


Unité de Thérapie cellulaire et banque de tissus
CHRU de Nancy
Allée du Morvan

03 83 15 79 37






On behalf of the SFGM-TC: Real-life use of third-party virus-specific T-cell transfer in immunocompromised transplanted patients.

Leroyer EH, Petitpain N, Morisset S, Neven B, Castelle M, Winter S, Souchet L, Morel V, Le Cann M, Fahd M, Yacouben K, Mechinaud F, Ouachée-Chardin M, Renard C, Wallet HL, Angoso M, Jubert C, Chevallier P, Léger A, Rialland F, Dhedin N, Robin C, Maury S, Beckerich F, Beauvais D, Cluzeau T, Loschi M, Fernster A, Bittencourt MC, Cravat M, Bilger K, Clément L, Decot V, Gauthier M, Legendre A, Larghero J, Ouedrani A, Martin-Blondel G, Pochon C, Reppel L, Rouard H, Nguyen-Quoc S, Dalle JH, D'Aveni M, Bensoussan D

Hemasphere. 2024 01;8(1):e40

Efficacy of Wharton Jelly Mesenchymal Stromal Cells infusions in moderate to severe SARS-Cov-2 related acute respiratory distress syndrome: a phase 2a double-blind randomized controlled trial.

Pochon C, Laroye C, Kimmoun A, Reppel L, Dhuyser A, Rousseau H, Gauthier M, Petitpain N, Chabot JF, Valentin S, de Carvalho Bittencourt M, Peres M, Aarnink A, Decot V, Bensoussan D, Gibot S

Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 08 29;10:1224865

Scale-Up of Academic Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Production.

Laroye C, Gauthier M, Morello J, Charif N, Cannard VL, Bonnet C, Lozniewski A, Tchirkov A, De Isla N, Decot V, Reppel L, Bensoussan D

J Clin Med. 2023 06 30;12(13):

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