Dr QUERE Ronan

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Centre de recherche INSERM UMR 1231 (LNC)
UFR des Sciences de Santé
7 boulevard Jeanne d'Arc
21079 DIJON Cedex

03 80 39 34 40







Valrubicin-loaded immunoliposomes for specific vesicle-mediated cell death in the treatment of hematological cancers.

Georgievski A, Bellaye PS, Tournier B, Choubley H, Pais de Barros JP, Herbst M, Béduneau A, Callier P, Collin B, Végran F, Ballerini P, Garrido C, Quéré R

Cell Death Dis. 2024 05 11;15(5):328

Bone marrow-derived extracellular vesicles carry the TGF-β signal transducer Smad2 to preserve hematopoietic stem cells in mice.

Gautheron F, Georgievski A, Garrido C, Quéré R

Cell Death Discov. 2023 04 5;9(1):117

Heat-Shock Proteins in Leukemia and Lymphoma: Multitargets for Innovative Therapeutic Approaches.

Cabaud-Gibouin V, Durand M, Quéré R, Girodon F, Garrido C, Jego G

Cancers (Basel). 2023 02 3;15(3):

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