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Laboratoire INTERPSY
Université de Lorraine
Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines et Sociales
23 bd Albert 1er
54015 NANCY Cedex







Expertises :
- Recherche:Sciences Humaines et Sociales:Psychologie


Childhood maltreatment is linked to larger preferred interpersonal distances towards friends and strangers across the globe.

Haim-Nachum S, Sopp MR, Lüönd AM, Afzal N, Åhs F, Allgaier AK, Arévalo A, Asongwe C, Bachem R, Balle SR, Belete H, Belete Mossie T, Berzengi A, Capraz N, Ceylan D, Dukes D, Essadek A, Fares-Otero NE, Halligan SL, Hemi A, Iqbal N, Jobson L, Levy-Gigi E, Martin-Soelch C, Michael T, Oe M, Olff M, Örnkloo H, Prakash K, Quaatz SM, Raghavan V, Ramakrishnan M, Reis D, Şar V, Schnyder U, Seedat S, Shihab IN, Vandhana S, Wadji DL, Wamser R, Zabag R, Spies G, Pfaltz MC

Transl Psychiatry. 2024 08 23;14(1):339

Neither saintly nor psychotic: a narrative systematic review of the evolving Western perception of voice hearing.

Evrard R, Beauvais B, Essadek A, Lighezzolo-Alnot J, Clesse C

Hist Psychiatry. 2024 02 29;:957154X241231690

Influence of at-risk family interactions on the course of psychiatric care in adolescence.

Robin M, Surjous L, Belbèze J, Bonnardel L, Varlet M, Silva J, Lamothe J, Essadek A, Falissard B, Cohen D, Corcos M

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 02 2;:

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