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Service d'Hématologie
CHU Jean Minjoz
2 boulevard Fleming

03 81 66 82 32






Expertises :
- Clinique:Hématologie


Impact of scFv on functionality and safety of third generation CD123 CAR T cells.

Fredon M, Poussard M, Biichlé S, Bonnefoy F, Mantion CF, Seffar E, Renosi F, Bôle-Richard E, Boidot R, Chevrier S, Anna F, Loustau M, Caumartin J, Gonçalves-Venturelli M, Robinet E, Saas P, Deconinck E, Daguindau E, Roussel X, Godet Y, Adotévi O, Angelot-Delettre F, Galaine J, Garnache-Ottou F

Cancer Immunol Res. 2024 05 31;:

Efficacy of CAR T-Cell Therapy is Not Impaired by Previous Bispecific Antibody Treatment in Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

Crochet G, Iacoboni G, Couturier A, Bachy E, Iraola-Truchuelo J, Gastinne T, Cartron G, Fradon T, Lesne B, Kwon M, Gounot R, Martínez-Cibrian N, Castilla-Llorente C, Abrisqueta P, Guerreiro M, Sarkozy C, Aspa-Cilleruelo JM, Camus V, Guidez S, Chauchet A, Deconinck E, Bouabdallah K, Bosch F, Barba P, Morschhauser F, Houot R

Blood. 2024 04 24;:

Prognostic impact of number of induction courses to attain complete remission in patients with acute myeloid leukemia transplanted with either a matched sibling or human leucocyte antigen 10/10 or 9/10 unrelated donor: An Acute Leukemia Working Party Euro

Loke J, Labopin M, Craddock C, Socié G, Gedde-Dahl T, Blaise D, Forcade E, Salmenniemi U, Huynh A, Versluis J, Yakoub-Agha I, Labussière-Wallet H, Maertens J, Passweg J, Bulabois CE, Gabellier L, Mielke S, Castilla-Llorente C, Deconinck E, Brissot E, Nagler A, Ciceri F, Mohty M

Cancer. 2024 04 6;:

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