Pr GUEANT Jean-Louis


The EKFC equation outperforms the CKD-EPI and CKiD equations for GFR estimation in adolescent and young adult kidney transplant patients.

Grosyeux C, Alla A, Barbé F, Dubourg LD, Chardon L, Guéant JL, Frimat L, Oussalah A, Vrillon I

Nephrology (Carlton). 2024 05 27;:

Multiparametric renal function assessment in cirrhotic patients shows high prevalence of medically actionable changes in multiple modules.

Belmonte R, Silva-Rodriguez M, Barbé F, Bensenane M, Haghenejad V, Vrillon I, Alla A, Flahault A, Kormann R, Corbel A, Aitdjafer Z, Quilliot D, Derain-Dubourg L, Namour F, Guéant JL, Bronowicki JP, Oussalah A

Hepatol Res. 2024 04 25;:

Long-term follow-up of neutrophil activation after severe-to-critical SARS-CoV-2 infection: A longitudinal study.

Valentin S, Regnault V, Gueant JL, Ribeiro Baptista B, Abel T, Lacolley P, Schlemmer F, Chaouat A, Chabot F, Gueant-Rodriguez RM

Allergy. 2024 04 12;:

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