Fiche personne
Facteurs de risque environnementaux, nutritionnels et métaboliques de carcinome hépatocellulaire chez les malades atteints de cirrhose (CIRCE)
2007 - Porteur du projet : Pr HILLON Patrick - Partenaire : Dr BONITHON-KOPP Claire , Pr DI MARTINO Vincent , Pr GUEANT Jean-Louis , Pr JEANNESSON Pierre , Pr LATRUFFE Norbert , Pr PETIT Jean-Michel , Dr SGRO Catherine , Pr THIEFIN Gérard , Dr COTTET Vanessa
Simultaneous Activation of Beta-Oxidation and De Novo Lipogenesis in MASLD-HCC: A New Paradigm.
Dahboul F, Sun J, Buchard B, Abeywickrama-Samarakoon N, Pujos-Guillot E, Durand S, Petera M, Centeno D, Guerrieri F, Cocca M, Levrero M, Rossary A, Weil D, Di Martino V, Demidem A, Abergel A
Liver Int. 2025 02;45(2):e70006
Evolution of FIB-4 score in SpA and PsA patients taking anti-TNF or anti-IL17.
Verhoeven F, Prati C, Di Martino V, Thevenot T, Demougeot C, Wendling D, Weil-Verhoeven D
Joint Bone Spine. 2024 07 29;:105763
Longitudinal Follow-up of Fib-4 in Patients at Risk of MASLD Receiving Low-dose Methotrexate Treatment.
Cui J, Di Martino V, Solomon DH
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 04 23;:
Evaluation of a delayed liver transplantation strategy for patients with HCC receiving bridging therapy: the DELTA-HCC study.
Lamarque C, Segaux L, Bachellier P, Buchard B, Chermak F, Conti F, Decaens T, Dharancy S, Di Martino V, Dumortier J, Francoz-Caudron C, Gugenheim J, Hardwigsen J, Muscari F, Radenne S, Salamé E, Uguen T, Ursic-Bedoya J, Antoine C, Deshayes A, Jacquelinet C, Natella PA, Leroy V, Cherqui D, Oubaya N, Duvoux C
J Hepatol. 2024 03 21;:
Recipient age influences survival after liver transplant: Results of the French national cohort 2007-2017.
Lerosey L, Ksiasek E, Abrahamowicz M, Antoine C, Dharancy S, Dumortier J, Doussot A, Di Martino V, Houssel-Debry P, Conti F, Francoz C, Pageaux GP, Salame E, Faitot F, Coilly A, Hardwigsen J, Decaens T, Chermak F, Muscari F, Anty R, Duvoux C, Abergel A, Minello A, Mouillot T, Binquet C, Latournerie M
Liver Int. 2024 03 7;:
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor in decompensated cirrhosis, acute alcoholic hepatitis, and acute-on-chronic liver failure: a comprehensive meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Martino VD, Questiaux J, Lemagoarou T, Weil D, Vendeville S, Engelmann C, Hu J, Singh V, Newsome PN, Lal SB, Sarin SK, Berg T, Thevenot T
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2023 09 14;:102207
Evaluation of the interest to combine a CD4 Th1-inducer cancer vaccine derived from telomerase and atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a randomized non-comparative phase II study (TERTIO - PRODIGE 82).
Vienot A, Jacquin M, Rebucci-Peixoto M, Pureur D, Ghiringhelli F, Assenat E, Hammel P, Rosmorduc O, Stouvenot M, Allaire M, Bouattour M, Regnault H, Fratte S, Raymond E, Soularue E, Husson-Wetzel S, Di Martino V, Muller A, Clairet AL, Fagnoni-Legat C, Adotevi O, Meurisse A, Vernerey D, Borg C
BMC Cancer. 2023 07 29;23(1):710
Methotrexate-induced liver fibrosis: the end of a long-held belief.
Di Martino V
J Hepatol. 2023 02 26;:
Left gastric vein embolization during TIPS placement for acute variceal bleeding has no effect on bleeding recurrence: Results of a multicenter study.
Calame P, Rostam M, d'Alteroche L, Malakhia A, Cervoni JP, Weil D, Martino VD, Sutter O, Greget M, Risson JR, Vionnet M, Bouvier A, Mokrane FZ, Ghelfi J, Papadopoulos P, Sangel C, Rodes A, Goupil J, Delabrousse E, Douane F, Loffroy R,
Diagn Interv Imaging. 2023 01 31;:
Diagnosis and Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy: The French Recommendations.
Thabut D, Bouzbib C, Meunier L, Haas M, Weiss N, Louvet A, Imbert-Bismut F, Mochel F, Nadjar Y, Santiago A, Thevenot T, Duhalde V, Oberti F, Francoz C, Coilly A, Hilleret MN, Lebray P, Liou-Schischmanoff A, Barbier L, Duvoux C, Pageaux GP, Bismuth M, Galanaud D, De Broucker T, Cadranel JF, Leroy V, Di Martino V, Larrey D, Camus C, Scatton O, De Ledinghen V, Mallat A, Rudler M, Bureau C,
Liver Int. 2023 01 10;:
Patients Treated for HCV Infection and Listed for Liver Transplantation in a French Multicenter Study: What Happens at Five Years?
Meunier L, Belkacemi M, Pageaux GP, Radenne S, Vallet-Pichard A, Houssel-Debry P, Duvoux C, Botta-Fridlund D, de Ledinghen V, Conti F, Anty R, Di Martino V, Debette-Gratien M, Leroy V, Gerster T, Lebray P, Alric L, Abergel A, Dumortier J, Besch C, Montialoux H, Samuel D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Coilly A
Viruses. 2022 12 31;15(1):
Busting the myth of methotrexate chronic hepatotoxicity.
Di Martino V, Verhoeven DW, Verhoeven F, Aubin F, Avouac J, Vuitton L, Lioté F, Thévenot T, Wendling D
Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2022 12 23;:
Liver Transplantation Using Allografts With Recent Liver Blunt Trauma: A Nationwide Audit From the French CRISTAL Biomedicine Agency Registry.
Seckler F, Turco C, Mohkam K, Addeo P, Robin F, Cauchy F, Maulat C, Brustia R, Paquette B, Faitot F, Weil Verhoeven D, Minello A, Lakkis Z, Di Martino V, Latournerie M, Chiche L, El Amrani M, Bucur P, Navarro F, Chopinet S, Chirica M, Gagnière J, Iannelli A, Cheisson G, Chardot C, Sommacale D, Muscari F, Dondero F, Sulpice L, Bachellier P, Scatton O, Mabrut JY, Heyd B, Doussot A
Transplantation. 2022 11 22;:
Diameter of the shunt: the missing link in the appraisal of pTIPS in patients with cirrhosis with previous hepatic encephalopathy.
Thevenot T, Desmarets M, Weil D, Di Martino V
Gut. 2022 11 3;:
Acute fulminant hepatitis related to the use of dasatinib: first case report.
Clément M, Cervoni JP, Renosi F, Thévenot T, Felix S, Doussot A, Heyd B, Deconinck É, Martino VD
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2022 08 9;:102004
Alfapump implantable device in management of refractory ascites: An update.
Weil-Verhoeven D, Di Martino V, Stirnimann G, Cervoni JP, Nguyen-Khac E, Thévenot T
World J Hepatol. 2022 07 27;14(7):1344-1356
Post-Transplantation Cytomegalovirus Infection Interplays With the Development of Anastomotic Biliary Strictures After Liver Transplantation.
Georges P, Clerc C, Turco C, Di Martino V, Paquette B, Minello A, Calame P, Magnin J, Vuitton L, Weil-Verhoeven D, Lakkis Z, Vanlemmens C, Latournerie M, Heyd B, Doussot A
Transpl Int. 2022 06 2;35:10292
ABO blood group does not influence Child-Pugh A cirrhosis outcome: An observational study from CIRRAL and ANRS CO12 CIRVIR cohorts.
Ollivier-Hourmand I, Repesse Y, Nahon P, Chaffaut C, Dao T, Nguyen TN, Marcellin P, Roulot D, De Ledinghen V, Pol S, Guyader D, Archambeaud I, Zoulim F, Oberti F, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, D'Alteroche L, Ouzan D, Peron JM, Zarski JP, Bourliere M, Larrey D, Louvet A, Cales P, Abergel A, Mathurin P, Mallat A, Blanc JF, Nguyen-Khac E, Riachi G, Alric L, Serfaty L, Antonini T, Moreno C, Attali P, Thabut D, Pilette C, Grange JD, Silvain C, Carbonell N, Bernard-Chabert B, Goria O, Wartelle C, Moirand R, Christidis C, Perlemuter G, Ozenne V, Henrion J, Hillaire S, Di Martino V, Amiot X, Sutton A, Barget N, Chevret S, Ganne-Carrie N,
Liver Int. 2022 Jan 13;:
The Current Status of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor to Treat Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure.
Engelmann C, Martino VD, Kerbert AJC, Weil-Verhoeven D, Aehling NF, Herber A, Thévenot T, Berg T
Semin Liver Dis. 2021 08;41(3):298-307
Decreased maximal cortisol secretion rate in patients with cirrhosis: Relation to disease severity.
Lovato CM, Thévenot T, Borot S, Di Martino V, Qualls CR, Urban FK, Dorin RI
JHEP Rep. 2021 Jun;3(3):100277
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with hepatic angiomyolipoma: A literature review.
Calame P, Tyrode G, Weil Verhoeven D, Félix S, Klompenhouwer AJ, Di Martino V, Delabrousse E, Thévenot T
World J Gastroenterol. 2021 May 21;27(19):2299-2311
Small Annexin V-Positive Platelet-Derived Microvesicles Affect Prognosis in Cirrhosis: A Longitudinal Study.
Weil D, Di Martino V, Mourey G, Biichle S, Renaudin A, Laheurte C, Cypriani B, Delabrousse E, Grandclément E, Thévenot T, Saas P,
Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2021 Apr 28;12(5):e00333
Early liver transplantation for corticosteroid non-responders in acute severe autoimmune hepatitis: the SURFASA score.
De Martin E, Coilly A, Chazouillères O, Roux O, Peron JM, Houssel-Debry P, Artru F, Silvain C, Ollivier-Hourmand I, Duvoux C, Heurgue-Berlot A, Barge S, Ganne-Carrié N, Pageaux GP, Besch C, Bourlière M, Fontaine H, de Ledinghen V, Dumortier J, Conti F, Radenne S, Debette-Gratien M, Goria O, Durand F, Potier P, Di Martino V, Reboux N, Ichai P, Sebagh M, Mathurin P, Agostini H, Samuel D, Duclos-Vallée JC,
J Hepatol. 2021 Jan 24;:
Subclinical proximal tubulopathy in hepatitis B: The roles of nucleot(s)ide analogue treatment and the hepatitis B virus.
Brayette A, Essig M, Carrier P, Debette-Gratien M, Labrunie A, Alain S, Maynard M, Ganne-Carrié N, Nguyen-Khac E, Pinet P, De Ledinghen V, Renou C, Mathurin P, Vanlemmens C, Di Martino V, Gervais A, Foucher J, Isabelle FH, Vergniol J, Hourmand-Ollivier I, Cohen D, Duval X, Poynard T, Bardou M, Abergel A, Dao MT, Thévenot T, Hiriart JB, Canva V, Lassailly G, Aurières C, Boyer N, Thabut D, Bernard PH, Schnee M, Larrey D, Hanslik B, Hommel S, Jacques J, Loustaud-Ratti V
World J Hepatol. 2020 Dec 27;12(12):1326-1340
Relevance of platelet-derived microvesicles in cirrhosis: The debate remains open.
Weil D, Thévenot T, Saas P, Di Martino V
J Hepatol. 2020 Dec 2;:
Fatty acid composition of the erythrocyte membrane and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients.
Mouillot T, Rizk M, Pais de Barros JP, Gilloteau A, Busson A, Bernard-Chabert B, Thiefin G, Barraud H, Bronowicki JP, Richou C, Di Martino V, Doffoel M, Minello A, Latournerie M, Jouve JL, Brondel L, Brindisi MC, Petit JM, Hillon P, Cottet V,
Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther.. 2020 Aug 11;:
Safety of TNF inhibitors in rheumatic disease in case of NAFLD and cirrhosis.
Verhoeven F, Weil-Verhoeven D, Prati C, Martino VD, Thevenot T, Wendling D
Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2020 08;50(4):544-548
Sustained Remission After Treatment Withdrawal in Autoimmune Hepatitis: A Multicenter Retrospective Study.
Ben Merabet Y, Barbe C, Heurgue-Berlot A, Thévenot T, Minello A, Habersetzer F, Samuel D, Bernard-Chabert B, Weil-Verhoeven D, Renard P, Clot H, Di Martino V, Louvet H, Bresson-Hadni S, Thiéfin G
Dig. Dis. Sci.. 2020 Jun 30;:
Personalized surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis - using machine learning adapted to HCV status.
Audureau E, Carrat F, Layese R, Cagnot C, Asselah T, Guyader D, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Chazouillères O, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, d'Alteroche L, Wartelle C, Dao T, Thabut D, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Nguyen-Khac E, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Sutton A, Pol S, Nahon P, Nahon P, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Fontaine H, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Leroy V, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Dharancy S, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Chazouillères O, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Louis d'Alteroche,Wartelle C, Dao T, Thabut D, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Nguyen-Khac E, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V,
J. Hepatol.. 2020 Jun 29;:
Phase 3, Multicenter Open-Label study to investigate the efficacy of elbasvir and grazoprevir fixed-dose combination for eight weeks in treatment-naïve, HCV GT1b-infected patients, with non-severe fibrosis.
Abergel A, Asselah T, Mallat A, Chanteranne B, Faure F, Larrey D, Gournay J, Loustaud-Ratti V, Di Martino V, Fouchard-Hubert I, Pol S, Bailly F, Samuel D, Tran A, Dodel M, Andant N, Lamblin G, Muti L, Reymond M, Teilhet C, Pereira B, Buchard B
Liver Int.. 2020 May 8;:
Hepatitis B virus reactivation in transplant patients treated for hepatitis C recurrence: Prophylaxis makes the difference.
Mouna L, Rossignol E, Tateo M, Coilly A, Duclos-Vallée JC, Duvoux C, Durand F, Tran A, Radenne S, Canva-Delcambre V, Houssel-Debry P, Dumortier J, Conti F, de Ledinghen V, Leroy V, Kamar N, Di Martino V, Moreno C, Botta Fridlund D, d'Alteroche L, Lebray P, Perre P, Besch C, Silvain C, Habersetzer F, Debette-Gratien M, Abergel A, Diallo A, Samuel D, Roque-Afonso AM, Pageaux GP,
J. Hepatol.. 2019 Apr 6;:
Polymyalgia Rheumatica occurrence undermultikinase inhibitors (sorafenib and erlotinib) treatment.
Verhoeven F, Weil-Verhoeven D, Prati C, Di Martino V, Wendling D
Joint Bone Spine. 2019 Mar 27;:
Validation of Baveno VI Criteria for Screening and Surveillance of Esophageal Varices in Patients With Compensated Cirrhosis and a Sustained Response to Antiviral Therapy.
Thabut D, Bureau C, Layese R, Bourcier V, Hammouche M, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Goria O, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle-Bladou C, Dao T, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Capron D, Bernard-Chabert B, Hillaire S, Di Martino V, Sutton A, Audureau E, Roudot-Thoraval F, Nahon P,
Gastroenterology. 2019 Feb 13;:
Impact of Cytomegalovirus Infection on the Outcome of Patients With Cirrhosis: A Preliminary Study.
Faivre M, Cottet V, Bour JB, Richou C, Valmary-Degano S, Thiefin G, Andreoletti L, Geist C, Schvoerer E, Malvé B, Habersetzer F, Fafi-Kremer S, Binquet C, Jouve JL, Bronowicki JP, Doffoel M, Hillon P, Herbein G, Monnet E, Di Martino V,
J. Clin. Gastroenterol.. 2018 Oct 31;:
Effects of Long-term Norfloxacin Therapy in Patients with Advanced Cirrhosis.
Moreau R, Elkrief L, Bureau C, Perarnau JM, Thévenot T, Saliba F, Louvet A, Nahon P, Lannes A, Anty R, Hillaire S, Pasquet B, Ozenne V, Rudler M, Ollivier-Hourmand I, Robic MA, d'Alteroche L, Di Martino V, Ripault MP, Pauwels A, Grangé JD, Carbonell N, Bronowicki JP, Payancé A, Rautou PE, Valla D, Gault N, Lebrec D,
Gastroenterology. 2018 Aug 22;:
What is the true relationship between spontaneous portosystemic shunts and portopulmonary hypertension in cirrhotic patients?
Thevenot T, Weil D, Di Martino V
Gastroenterology. 2018 Aug 14;:
Accuracy of calprotectin using the Quantum Blue® Reader for the diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in liver cirrhosis.
Weil D, Heurgue-Berlot A, Monnet E, Chassagne S, Cervoni JP, Feron T, Jaeger T, Grandvallet C, Muel E, Bronowicki JP, Thiefin G, Di Martino V, Bardonnet K, Thévenot T
Hepatol. Res.. 2018 Aug 7;:
Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Direct Antiviral Therapy for HCV in Patients With Cirrhosis Included in Surveillance Programs.
Nahon P, Layese R, Bourcier V, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Thabut D, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Nguyen-Khac E, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Sutton A, Roudot-Thoraval F, Audureau E,
Gastroenterology. 2018 Jul 18;:
Circulating levels of 3-hydroxymyristate, a direct quantification of endotoxemia in non-infected cirrhotic patients.
Weil D, Pais de Barros JP, Mourey G, Laheurte C, Cypriani B, Badet N, Delabrousse E, Grandclément E, Di Martino V, Saas P, Lagrost L, Thévenot T
Liver Int.. 2018 Jun 22;:
Severe liver failure rather than cirrhosis is associated with mortality in patients with infectious endocarditis: a retrospective case-control study.
Allaire M, Cadranel JD, Bureau C, Zerkly S, Thévenot T, Garioud A, Cacoub P, Macaigne G, Alric L, Jouannaud V, Lison H, Chagneau-Derrode C, Pariente A, Pe Combining Acute Accent Laquier ACGAS, Bourlie Combining Grave Accent Re M, Causse X, Nousbaum JB, Dumortier JCAAR, Louvet A, Rosa-He Combining Acute Accent Zode I, Ganne-Carrie Combining Acute Accent N, Chentouh R, Sfaxi A, Gournay JCAAR, Blasco-Perrin HCAALCGAN, Antonini T, Spahr L, Bronowicki JP, Silvain C, Di Martino V, Grange JD, Denis J, Dupont K, Iaria P, Ollivier-Hourmand I, Dao T,
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 May 3;:
Compliance With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance Guidelines Associated With Increased Lead-time Adjusted Survival of Patients With Compensated Viral Cirrhosis.
Costentin C, Layese R, Bourcier V, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Thabut D, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Nguyen-Khac E, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Sutton A, Letouzé E, Imbeaud S, Zucman-Rossi J, Audureau E, Roudot-Thoraval F, Nahon P,
Gastroenterology. 2018 May 2;:
Safety of sofosbuvir-based regimens after liver transplantation: longitudinal assessment of renal function in the prospective ANRS CO23 CUPILT study.
Anty R, Favre G, Coilly A, Rossignol E, Houssel-Debry P, Duvoux C, De Ledinghen V, Di Martino V, Leroy V, Radenne S, Kamar N, Canva V, D'Alteroche L, Durand F, Dumortier J, Lebray P, Besch C, Tran A, Canivet CM, Botta-Fridlund D, Montialoux H, Moreno C, Conti F, Silvain C, Perré P, Habersetzer F, Abergel A, Debette-Gratien M, Dharancy S, Esnault VLM, Fougerou-Leurent C, Cagnot C, Diallo A, Veislinger A, Danjou H, Samuel D, Pageaux GP, Duclos-Vallée JC,
Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther.. 2018 Apr 17;:
Extra hepatic cancers are the leading cause of death in cirrhotic patients achieving HBV control or HCV eradication.
Allaire M, Nahon P, Layese R, Bourcier V, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Thabut D, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Nguyen-Khac E, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Sutton A, Letouzé E, Audureau E, Roudot-Thoraval F,
Hepatology. 2018 Apr 16;:
12 weeks of a Ribavirin-free Sofosbuvir and NS5A inhibitor regimen is enough to treat recurrence of hepatitis C after liver transplantation.
Houssel-Debry P, Coilly A, Fougerou-Leurent C, Jezequel C, Duvoux C, De Ledinghen V, Radenne S, Kamar N, Leroy V, Di Martino V, D'Alteroche L, Canva V, Conti F, Dumortier J, Montialoux H, Lebray P, Botta-Fridlund D, Tran A, Moreno C, Silvain C, Besch C, Perre P, Francoz C, Abergel A, Habersetzer F, Debette-Gratien M, Cagnot C, Diallo A, Chevaliez S, Rossignol E, Veislinger A, Duclos-Vallee JC, Pageaux GP,
Hepatology. 2018 Apr 10;:
Prognostic value of viral eradication for major adverse cardiovascular events in hepatitis C cirrhotic patients.
Cacoub P, Nahon P, Layese R, Blaise L, Desbois AC, Bourcier V, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Thabut D, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Capron D, Thiefin G, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Bagnis CI, Ziol M, Sutton A, Letouze E, Roudot-Thoraval F, Audureau E,
Am. Heart J.. 2018 Apr;198:4-17
Cost-effectiveness analysis of elbasvir-grazoprevir regimen for treating hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in stage 4-5 chronic kidney disease patients in France.
Maunoury F, Clément A, Nwankwo C, Levy-Bachelot L, Abergel A, Di Martino V, Thervet E, Durand-Zaleski I
PLoS ONE. 2018 ;13(3):e0194329
Prognosis of cirrhotic patients admitted to intensive care unit: a meta-analysis.
Weil D, Levesque E, McPhail M, Cavallazzi R, Theocharidou E, Cholongitas E, Galbois A, Pan HC, Karvellas CJ, Sauneuf B, Robert R, Fichet J, Piton G, Thevenot T, Capellier G, Di Martino V,
Ann Intensive Care. 2017 Dec;7(1):33
BRIP1 coding variants are associated with a high risk of hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence in patients with HCV- or HBV-related liver disease.
Oussalah A, Avogbe PH, Guyot E, Chery C, Guéant-Rodriguez RM, Ganne-Carrié N, Cobat A, Moradpour D, Nalpas B, Negro F, Poynard T, Pol S, Bochud PY, Abel L, Jeulin H, Schvoerer E, Chabi N, Amouzou E, Sanni A, Barraud H, Rouyer P, Josse T, Goffinet L, Jouve JL, Minello A, Bonithon-Kopp C, Thiefin G, Di Martino V, Doffoël M, Richou C, Raab JJ, Hillon P, Bronowicki JP, Guéant JL,
Oncotarget. 2017 Sep;8(38):62842-62857
Direct acting antiviral agents-based regimen for HCV recurrence after combined liver-kidney transplantation: results from the ANRS CO23 CUPILT study.
Dharancy S, Coilly A, Fougerou-Leurent C, Duvoux C, Kamar N, Leroy V, Tran A, Houssel-Debry P, Canva V, Moreno C, Conti F, Dumortier J, Di Martino V, Radenne S, De Ledinghen V, D'Alteroche L, Silvain C, Besch C, Perré P, Botta-Fridlund D, Francoz C, Habersetzer F, Montialoux H, Abergel A, Debette-Gratien M, Rohel A, Rossignol E, Samuel D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Pageaux GP,
Am. J. Transplant.. 2017 Sep;:
Daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir, with or without ribavirin, for hepatitis C virus genotype 3 in a French early access programme.
Hézode C, Lebray P, De Ledinghen V, Zoulim F, Di Martino V, Boyer N, Larrey D, Botta-Fridlund D, Silvain C, Fontaine H, D'Alteroche L, Leroy V, Bourliere M, Hubert-Fouchard I, Guyader D, Rosa I, Nguyen-Khac E, Fedchuk L, Akremi R, Bennai Y, Filipovics A, Zhao Y, Bronowicki JP
Liver Int.. 2017 Feb;:
Are we still searching for the fifth element of MELD?
Thevenot T, Weil D, Cervoni JP, Villamil FG, Di Martino V
J. Hepatol.. 2017 Jan;66(1):246-247
Eradication of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Patients With Cirrhosis Reduces Risk of Liver and Non-Liver Complications.
Nahon P, Bourcier V, Layese R, Audureau E, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Fontaine H, Larrey D, De Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Leroy V, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Dharancy S, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Benhamou Y, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Capron D, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Thibaut V, Salmon D, Ziol M, Sutton A, Pol S, Roudot-Thoraval F,
Gastroenterology. 2017 Jan;152(1):142-156.e2
Prognosis of cirrhotic patients admitted to the general ICU.
Piton G, Chaignat C, Giabicani M, Cervoni JP, Tamion F, Weiss E, Paugam-Burtz C, Capellier G, Di Martino V
Ann Intensive Care. 2016 Dec;6(1):94
Management of acute HVE infection in a patient treated with rituximab for rheumatoid arthritis.
Verhoeven F, Weil-Verhoeven D, Di Martino V, Prati C, Thevenot T, Wendling D
Joint Bone Spine. 2016 Oct;83(5):577-8
Multicentre experience using daclatasvir and sofosbuvir to treat hepatitis C recurrence - The ANRS CUPILT study.
Coilly A, Fougerou-Leurent C, de Ledinghen V, Houssel-Debry P, Duvoux C, Di Martino V, Radenne S, Kamar N, D'Alteroche L, Leroy V, Canva V, Lebray P, Moreno C, Dumortier J, Silvain C, Besch C, Perre P, Botta-Fridlund D, Anty R, Francoz C, Abergel A, Debette-Gratien M, Conti F, Habersetzer F, Rohel A, Rossignol E, Danjou H, Roque-Afonso AM, Samuel D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Pageaux GP,
J. Hepatol.. 2016 Oct;65(4):711-8
Nomogram for individualized prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence in hepatitis C virus cirrhosis (ANRS CO12 CirVir).
Ganne-Carrié N, Layese R, Bourcier V, Cagnot C, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, de Lédinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Riachi G, Calès P, Péron JM, Alric L, Bourlière M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grangé JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Benhamou Y, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Capron D, Bernard-Chabert B, Zucman D, Di Martino V, Trinchet JC, Nahon P, Roudot-Thoraval F,
Hepatology. 2016 Oct;64(4):1136-47
Sofosbuvir-based treatment of hepatitis C with severe fibrosis (METAVIR F3/F4) after liver transplantation.
Dumortier J, Leroy V, Duvoux C, de Ledinghen V, Francoz C, Houssel-Debry P, Radenne S, d'Alteroche L, Fougerou-Leurent C, Canva V, di Martino V, Conti F, Kamar N, Moreno C, Lebray P, Tran A, Besch C, Diallo A, Rohel A, Rossignol E, Abergel A, Botta-Fridlund D, Coilly A, Samuel D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Pageaux GP
Liver Transpl.. 2016 Oct;22(10):1367-78
BRIP1 coding variants are associated with a high risk of hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence in patients with HCV- or HBV-related liver disease.
Oussalah A, Avogbe PH, Guyot E, Chery C, Guéant-Rodriguez RM, Ganne-Carrié N, Cobat A, Moradpour D, Nalpas B, Negro F, Poynard T, Pol S, Bochud PY, Abel L, Jeulin H, Schvoerer E, Chabi N, Amouzou E, Sanni A, Barraud H, Rouyer P, Josse T, Goffinet L, Jouve JL, Minello A, Bonithon-Kopp C, Thiefin G, Di Martino V, Doffoël M, Richou C, Raab JJ, Hillon P, Bronowicki JP, Guéant JL, Study Group FT
Oncotarget. 2016 Aug;:
Management of gastric varices: a French national survey.
Weil D, Cervoni JP, Fares N, Rudler M, Bureau C, Plessier A, Dao T, Pauwels A, Thabut D, Castellani P, Oberti F, Carbonell N, Elkrief L, Di Martino V, Thevenot T,
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 May;28(5):576-81
Copeptin is an independent prognostic factor for transplant-free survival in cirrhosis.
Kerbert AJ, Weil D, Verspaget HW, Moréno JP, van Hoek B, Cervoni JP, Di Martino V, Coenraad MJ, Thevenot T
Liver Int.. 2016 Apr;36(4):530-7
Fatal acute respiratory distress by Toxoplasma gondii in a toxoplasma seronegative liver transplant recipient.
Miltgen G, Paillot J, Vanlemmens C, Di Martino V, Heyd B, Millon L, Bellanger AP
New Microbiol.. 2016 Apr;39(2):160-2
Automatic detection of cirrhosis in hospitalized patients: a pragmatic experience.
Lavaill L, Dussaucy A, Bardonnet K, Duraffourg N, Monnet E, Thévenot T, Davani S, Di Martino V,
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Jan;28(1):74-81
Bacterial infection in compensated viral cirrhosis impairs 5-year survival (ANRS CO12 CirVir prospective cohort).
Nahon P, Lescat M, Layese R, Bourcier V, Talmat N, Allam S, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Ledinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Goria O, Cales P, Peron JM, Alric L, Bourliere M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grange JD, Attali P, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Benhamou Y, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Capron D, Bernard-Chabert B, Hillaire S, Di Martino V, Trinchet JC, Moreau R, Roudot-Thoraval F
Gut. 2015 Oct 28. pii: gutjnl-2015-310275
Complications and competing risks of death in compensated viral cirrhosis (ANRS CO12 CirVir prospective cohort).
Trinchet JC, Bourcier V, Chaffaut C, Ait Ahmed M, Allam S, Marcellin P, Guyader D, Pol S, Larrey D, De Ledinghen V, Ouzan D, Zoulim F, Roulot D, Tran A, Bronowicki JP, Zarski JP, Goria O, Cales P, Peron JM, Alric L, Bourliere M, Mathurin P, Blanc JF, Abergel A, Serfaty L, Mallat A, Grange JD, Buffet C, Bacq Y, Wartelle C, Dao T, Benhamou Y, Pilette C, Silvain C, Christidis C, Capron D, Thiefin G, Hillaire S, Di Martino V, Nahon P, Chevret S
Hepatology. 2015 Sep;62(3):737-50
Causes of death in people with chronic HBV infection: A population-based cohort study.
Montuclard C, Hamza S, Rollot F, Evrard P, Faivre J, Hillon P, Di Martino V, Minello A
J. Hepatol.. 2015 Jun;62(6):1265-71
Assessment of adrenal function in patients with acute hepatitis using serum free and total cortisol.
Degand T, Monnet E, Durand F, Grandclement E, Ichai P, Borot S, Qualls CR, Agin A, Louvet A, Dumortier J, Francoz C, Dumoulin G, Di Martino V, Dorin R, Thevenot T
Dig Liver Dis. 2015 May 22. pii: S1590-8658(15)00345-X
New prognostic markers in liver cirrhosis.
Di Martino V, Weil D, Cervoni JP, Thevenot T
World J Hepatol. 2015 May 28;7(9):1244-50
Acute colitis: differential diagnosis using multidetector CT.
Plastaras L, Vuitton L, Badet N, Koch S, Di Martino V, Delabrousse E
Clin Radiol. 2015 Mar;70(3):262-9
Improved survival of cirrhotic patients with variceal bleeding over the decade 2000-2010.
Vuachet D, Cervoni JP, Vuitton L, Weil D, Dritsas S, Dussaucy A, Koch S, Di Martino V, Thevenot T
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb;39(1):59-67
Patients with acute liver failure listed for super-urgent liver transplantation in France: Re-evaluation of the clichy-villejuif criteria.
Ichai P, Legeai C, Francoz C, Boudjema K, Boillot O, Ducerf C, Mathurin P, Pruvot FR, Suc B, Wolf P, Soubrane O, Le Treut YP, Cherqui D, Hannoun L, Pageaux GP, Gugenheim J, Letoublon C, Saric J, Di Martino V, Abergel A, Chiche L, Antonini TM, Jacquelinet C, Castaing D, Samuel D
Liver Transpl. 2015 Feb 11
Prognostic value of C-reactive protein levels in patients with cirrhosis.
DI Martino V, Coutris C, Cervoni JP, Dritsas S, Weil D, Richou C, Vanlemmens C, Thevenot T
Liver Transpl. 2015 Feb 11
Effect of Albumin in Cirrhotic Patients with Infection Other Than Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. A Randomized Trial.
Thevenot T, Bureau C, Oberti F, Anty R, Louvet A, Plessier A, Rudler M, Heurgue-Berlot A, Rosa I, Talbodec N, Dao T, Ozenne V, Carbonell N, Causse X, Goria O, Minello A, De Ledinghen V, Amathieu R, Barraud H, Nguyen-Khac E, Becker C, Paupard T, Botta-Fridlung D, Abdelli N, Guillemot F, Monnet E, Di Martino V
J Hepatol. 2014 Nov 21. pii: S0168-8278(14)00862-9
Increased incidence and characteristics of alveolar echinococcosis in patients with immunosuppression-associated conditions.
Chauchet A, Grenouillet F, Knapp J, Richou C, Delabrousse E, Dentan C, Millon L, Di Martino V, Contreras R, Deconinck E, Blagosklonov O, Vuitton DA, Bresson-Hadni S,
Clin. Infect. Dis.. 2014 Oct;59(8):1095-104
Effectiveness of telaprevir or boceprevir in treatment-experienced patients with HCV genotype 1 infection and cirrhosis.
Hezode C, Fontaine H, Dorival C, Zoulim F, Larrey D, Canva V, De Ledinghen V, Poynard T, Samuel D, Bourliere M, Alric L, Raabe JJ, Zarski JP, Marcellin P, Riachi G, Bernard PH, Loustaud-Ratti V, Chazouilleres O, Abergel A, Guyader D, Metivier S, Tran A, Di Martino V, Causse X, Dao T, Lucidarme D, Portal I, Cacoub P, Gournay J, Grando-Lemaire V, Hillon P, Attali P, Fontanges T, Rosa I, Petrov-Sanchez V, Barthe Y, Pawlotsky JM, Pol S, Carrat F, Bronowicki JP
Gastroenterology. 2014 Jul;147(1):132-142.e4
Surrogate markers of free cortisol in cirrhotic patients: another step has been reached.
Thevenot T, Weil D, Di Martino V
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Mar;12(3):513-5
Cellular activation and intracellular HCV load in peripheral blood monocytes isolated from HCV monoinfected and HIV-HCV coinfected patients.
Dichamp I, Abbas W, Kumar A, Di Martino V, Herbein G
PLoS One. 2014 May 8;9(5):e96907
Evolving epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: a two-year observational study.
Piroth L, Pechinot A, Di Martino V, Hansmann Y, Putot A, Patry I, Hadou T, Jaulhac B, Chirouze C, Rabaud C, Lozniewski A, Neuwirth C, Chavanet P, Minello A
BMC Infect Dis. 2014 May 23;14:287
Plasma copeptin, a possible prognostic marker in cirrhosis.
Moreno JP, Grandclement E, Monnet E, Clerc B, Agin A, Cervoni JP, Richou C, Vanlemmens C, Dritsas S, Dumoulin G, Di Martino V, Thevenot T
Liver Int. 2013 Jul;33(6):843-51
Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase deficiency: a still overlooked cause of recurrent acute liver failure and Reye-like syndrome.
Brassier A, Ottolenghi C, Boutron A, Bertrand AM, Valmary-Degano S, Cervoni JP, Chretien D, Arnoux JB, Hubert L, Rabier D, Lacaille F, de Keyzer Y, Di Martino V, de Lonlay P
Mol Genet Metab. 2013 May;109(1):28-32
A French national survey on the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in cirrhotic patients.
Thevenot T, Degand T, Grelat N, Elkrief L, Christol C, Moreau R, Henrion J, Cadranel JF, Sheppard F, Bureau C, di Martino V, Pauwels A
Liver Int. 2013 Mar;33(3):389-97
HIV-1 Nef interacts with HCV Core, recruits TRAF2, TRAF5 and TRAF6, and stimulates HIV-1 replication in macrophages.
Khan KA, Abbas W, Varin A, Kumar A, Di Martino V, Dichamp I, Herbein G
J Innate Immun. 2013;5(6):639-56
Efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid in treating intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: a meta-analysis.
Bacq Y, Sentilhes L, Reyes HB, Glantz A, Kondrackiene J, Binder T, Nicastri PL, Locatelli A, Floreani A, Hernandez I, Di Martino V
Gastroenterology. 2012 Dec;143(6):1492-501
Antiannexin V antibodies: an underestimated source of noncirrhotic portal vein thrombosis?
Cattelan J, Racadot E, Di Martino V, Thevenot T
Hepatology. 2012 Sep;56(3):1182
Two cases of ankylosing spondylitis and Wilson's disease in the same patient. Only a fortuitous association?
Wendling D, Vanlemmens C, Prati C, Godfrin-Valnet M, Verhoeven F, Guillot X, Di Martino V
Joint Bone Spine. 2012 Jul;79(4):418-9
C-reactive protein predicts short-term mortality in patients with cirrhosis.
Cervoni JP, Thevenot T, Weil D, Muel E, Barbot O, Sheppard F, Monnet E, Di Martino V
J Hepatol. 2012 Jun;56(6):1299-304
Early liver transplantation for severe alcoholic hepatitis.
Di Martino V, Sheppard F, Vanlemmens C
N Engl J Med. 2012 Feb 2;366(5):478-9; author reply 479.
Variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients is associated with adrenal dysfunction: what is the evidence?
Thevenot T, Cervoni JP, Di Martino V
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 Jan;10(1):95; author reply 95
Pharmacological exposure to ribavirin: a key player in the complex network of factors implicated in virological response and anaemia in hepatitis C treatment.
Loustaud-Ratti V, Carrier P, Rousseau A, Maynard M, Babany G, Alain S, Trepo C, De Ledinghen V, Bourliere M, Pol S, Di Martino V, Zarski JP, Pinta A, Sautereau D, Marquet P
Dig Liver Dis. 2011 Nov;43(11):850-5
Response-guided peg-interferon plus ribavirin treatment duration in chronic hepatitis C: meta-analyses of randomized, controlled trials and implications for the future.
Di Martino V, Richou C, Cervoni JP, Sanchez-Tapias JM, Jensen DM, Mangia A, Buti M, Sheppard F, Ferenci P, Thevenot T
Hepatology. 2011 Sep 2;54(3):789-800
Long-term outcome of chronic hepatitis C in a population-based cohort and impact of antiviral therapy: a propensity-adjusted analysis.
Di Martino V, Crouzet J, Hillon P, Thevenot T, Minello A, Monnet E
J Viral Hepat. 2011 Jul;18(7):493-505
Complete histologic response induced by sorafenib in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: a case report.
Curtit E, Thiery-Vuillemin A, Nguyen T, Heyd B, Pivot X, Di Martino V, Borg C
J. Clin. Oncol.. 2011 Apr;29(12):e330-2
Assessment of adrenal function in cirrhotic patients using concentration of serum-free and salivary cortisol.
Thevenot T, Borot S, Remy-Martin A, Sapin R, Cervoni JP, Richou C, Vanlemmens C, Cleau D, Muel E, Minello A, Tirziu S, Penfornis A, Di Martino V, Monnet E
Liver Int. 2011 Mar;31(3):425-33
[Beta-blockers in portal hypertension: Unexpected limitations!].
Thevenot T, Cervoni JP, Di Martino V
Presse Med. 2011 Mar;40(3):227-9
Cytomegalovirus and tumors: two players for one goal-immune escape.
Lepiller Q, Aziz Khan K, Di Martino V, Herbein G
Open Virol J. 2011;5:60-9
Increased HCMV seroprevalence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lepiller Q, Tripathy MK, Di Martino V, Kantelip B, Herbein G
Virol J. 2011 Oct 27;8:485.
Relative impact of ribavirin monitoring and HIV coinfection on sustained virological response in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Piedoux S, Monnet E, Piroth L, Montange D, Royer B, Thevenot T, Kantelip JP, Di Martino V, Muret P
Antivir Ther. 2011;16(8):1317-26.
Personalized management of patients with inoperable alveolar echinococcosis undergoing treatment with albendazole: usefulness of positron-emission-tomography combined with serological and computed tomography follow-up.
Crouzet J, Grenouillet F, Delabrousse E, Blagosklonov O, Thevenot T, Di Martino V, Piarroux R, Mantion GA, Bresson-Hadni S
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2010 Jun;16(6):788-91
Infliximab treatment for steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease after orthotopic liver transplantation: a case report.
Piton G, Larosa F, Minello A, Becker MC, Mantion G, Aubin F, Deconinck E, Hillon P, Di Martino V
Liver Transpl. 2009 Jul;15(7):682-5.
Assessing adrenal function in cirrhotic patients: is there a reliable test?
Thevenot T, Borot S, Remy-Martin A, Sapin R, Penfornis A, Di Martino V, Monnet E
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Jun-Jul;33(6-7):584-8
Biologic agents in the treatment of rheumatic diseases with chronic viral infection. Where are we?
Wendling D, Di Martino V, Herbein G
J Rheumatol. 2009 Jun;36(6):1107-8.
[Hepatopulmonary syndrome]
Thevenot T, Pastor CM, Cervoni JP, Jacquelinet C, Nguyen-Khac E, Richou C, Heyd B, Vanlemmens C, Mantion G, Di Martino V, Cadranel J
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Jun-Jul;33(6-7):565-79
Spondyloarthropathy and chronic B hepatitis. Effect of anti-TNF therapy.
Wendling D, Di Martino V, Prati C, Toussirot E, Herbein G
Joint Bone Spine. 2009 May;76(3):308-11
[Portal vein thrombosis after cyanoacrylate injection therapy in bleeding gastric varices]
Amouroux C, Cervoni JP, Delabrousse E, Koch S, Thevenot T, Di Martino V
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Mar;33(3):205-7
Immediate Listing for Liver Transplantation Versus Standard Care for Child-Pugh Stage B Alcoholic Cirrhosis A Randomized Trial
Vanlemmens C, Di Martino V, Milan C, Messner M, Minello A, Duvoux C, Poynard T, Perarnau JM, Piquet MAA, Pageaux GP, Dharancy S, Silvain C, Hillaire S, Thiefin G, Vinel JP, Hillon P, Collin E, Mantion G, Miguet JP
Ann Intern Med. 2009 Feb 3;150(3):153-61.
Specific phenotype associated with diabetes mellitus secondary to chronic hepatitis C infection.
Poussier A, Lebouvier M, Penfornis A, Di Martino V, Buffier P, Verges B, Hillon P, Petit JM
Diabet Med. 2008 Oct;25(10):1237-40.
Prevalence of hepatitis C infection and risk factors in hospitalized diabetic patients: results of a cross-sectional study.
Cadranel JF, Di Martino V, Lambrey G, Mourlhon C, Nalet B, Anciaux ML, Richard C, Bigue JP, Barjon JN, Bories C, Barbare JC, Halimi C, Ribiere O, Eugene C, Pauwels A, Jeanne S, Donato L, Dumouchel P, Pariente A, Duverlie G, Devergie B, Arlot S, Capron D
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Sep;20(9):829-36.
[Hepar lobatum carcinomatusum: a rare cause of portal hypertension complicating hepatic metastases in breast cancer]
Cervoni JP, Dobrin A, Sailley N, Chaigneau L, Thevenot T, Richou C, Vanlemmens C, Di Martino V
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2008 Aug-Sep;32(8-9):740-4
A case of isolated splenic infarction associated with a foramen ovale and an interatrial septal aneurysm.
Dobrin A, Thevenot T, Alby B, Di Martino V, Sailley N, Meneveau N
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2008 Mar;32(3):351-3
Severe acute pancreatitis related to the use of adefovir in a liver transplant recipient.
Weber A, Carbonnel F, Simon N, Kantelip B, Coaquette A, Mantion G, Miguet JP, Di Martino V
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2008 Mar;32(3):247-9
Socioeconomic context, distance to primary care and detection of hepatitis C: A French population-based study
Monnet E, Ramee C, Minello A, Jooste V, Carel D, Di Martino V
Soc Sci Med. 2008 Mar;66(5):1046-56.
Coeliac disease in chronic hepatitis C: a French multicentre prospective study.
Thevenot T, Denis J, Jouannaud V, Monnet E, Renou C, Labadie H, Abdelli N, Nguyen-Khac E, Dumouchel P, Bresson-Hadni S, Chousterman M, DI Martino V, Cadranel JF
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Nov 1;26(9):1209-16.
Continuous infusion of high-dose omeprazole is more effective than standard-dose omeprazole in patients with high-risk peptic ulcer bleeding: a retrospective study.
Simon-Rudler M, Massard J, Bernard-Chabert B, DI Martino V, Ratziu V, Poynard T, Thabut D
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Apr 15;25(8):949-54.
Nosocomial transmission of hepatitis B virus associated with endomyocardial biopsy.
Rosenheim M, Cadranel JF, Stuyver L, Dorent R, Golliot F, Astagneau P, Di Martino V, Delcourt A, Gandjbakhch I, Huraux JM, Lunel F
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2006 Nov;30(11):1274-80.
Hepatitis C in 6,865 patients 65 yr or older: a severe and neglected curable disease?
Thabut D, Le Calvez S, Thibault V, Massard J, Munteanu M, Di Martino V, Ratziu V, Poynard T
Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jun;101(6):1260-7.
Granulomatous hepatitis and hemophagocytic syndrome after bacillus Calmette-Guerin bladder instillation.
Thevenot T, Di Martino V, Lagrange A, Petrella T, Faucher JF, Fontan J, Terebus M, Miguet JP, Bresson-Hadni S
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2006 Mar;30(3):480-2.
[Can we improve hepatitis B vaccination coverage in HIV-infected persons?].
Di Martino V, Monnet E
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2006 Mar;30(3):443-5.
[Complementary treatments of chronic viral hepatitis C].
Thevenot T, Di Martino V, Lunel-Fabiani F, Vanlemmens C, Becker MC, Bronowicki JP, Bresson-Hadni S, Miguet JP
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2006 Feb;30(2):197-214.
Remission with ursodeoxycholic acid of type 1 autoimmune hepatitis resistant to azathioprine and steroids.
Duclos-Vallee JC, Di Martino V, Cazier A, Ballot E, Johanet C, Yamamoto AM, Emile JF, Guettier C, Coutarel P, Cadranel JF
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2005 Nov;29(11):1173-6.
Liver transplantation for cardiac failure in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
Thevenot T, Vanlemmens C, Di Martino V, Becker MC, Denue PO, Kantelip B, Bresson-Hadni S, Heyd B, Mantion G, Miguet JP
Liver Transpl. 2005 Jul;11(7):834-8.
Reactivation of a latent precore mutant hepatitis B virus related chronic hepatitis during infliximab treatment for severe spondyloarthropathy.
Wendling D, Auge B, Bettinger D, Lohse A, Le Huede G, Bresson-Hadni S, Toussirot E, Miguet JP, Herbein G, Di Martino V
Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 May;64(5):788-9.