Dr MAVON Christophe
Fiche personne
Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/Université de Franche-Comté UFR Sciences et Techniques
16 route de Gray
25030 BESANCON Cedex
03 81 66 65 08
DNA strand break dependence on Tris and arginine scavenger concentrations under ultra-soft X-ray irradiation: the contribution of secondary arginine radicals.
Souici M, Khalil TT, Boulanouar O, Belafrites A, Mavon C, Fromm M
Radiat Environ Biophys. 2016 May;55(2):215-28
Conception and realization of a parallel-plate free-air ionization chamber for the absolute dosimetry of an ultrasoft X-ray beam.
Groetz JE, Ounoughi N, Mavon C, Belafrites A, Fromm M
Rev Sci Instrum. 2014 Aug;85(8):083304
Beam characterization of a lab bench cold cathode ultra-soft X-ray generator.
Ounoughi N, Mavon C, Belafrites A, Groetz JE, Fromm M
Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect B-beam Interact Mater Atoms. 2013 Jun 15;305:61-6.