Dr THIERY Alicia
Fiche personne
ICANS | Institut cancérologie Strasbourg Europe
17 rue Albert Calmette
BP 23025
67033 STRASBOURG Cedex
Expertises :
- Recherche:Santé Publique
- Clinique:Information Médicale
Ellipsoid calculations versus manual tumor delineations for glioblastoma tumor volume evaluation.
Le Fèvre C, Sun R, Cebula H, Thiery A, Antoni D, Schott R, Proust F, Constans JM, Noël G
Sci Rep. 2022 06 22;12(1):10502
Role of hippocampal location and radiation dose in glioblastoma patients with hippocampal atrophy.
Le Fèvre C, Cheng X, Loit MP, Keller A, Cebula H, Antoni D, Thiery A, Constans JM, Proust F, Noel G
Radiat Oncol. 2021 Jun 22;16(1):112
Pseudoprogression versus true progression in glioblastoma patients: a multiapproach literature review: Part 1 - Molecular, Morphological and Clinical features.
Le Fèvre C, Lhermitte B, Ahle G, Chambrelant I, Cebula H, Antoni D, Kelle Zr A, Schott R, Thiery A, Noël G
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2020 Dec 8;:103188