Dr JEUDY Adeline
Fiche personne
Plateforme Plateforme de soutien à l'investigation clinique (SINETIC)
Assessment of the efficacy of a new complex antisensitive skin cream.
Wang Y, Viennet C, Jeudy A, Fanian F, He L, Humbert P
J Cosmet Dermatol. 2018 Jan 22;:
Bateman purpura (dermatoporosis): a localized scurvy treated by topical vitamin C - Double blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Humbert P, Fanian F, Lihoreau T, Jeudy A, Pierard GE
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2017 Aug;:
Mécano-Stimulation™ of the skin improves sagging score and induces beneficial functional modification of the fibroblasts: clinical, biological, and histological evaluations.
Humbert P, Fanian F, Lihoreau T, Jeudy A, Elkhyat A, Robin S, Courderot-Masuyer C, Tauzin H, Lafforgue C, Haftek M
Clin Interv Aging. 2015 ;10:387-403