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- Clinique:Hématologie


Bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone with or without daratumumab and followed by daratumumab maintenance or observation in transplant-eligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: long-term follow-up of the CASSIOPEIA randomised controlled phase 3 tria

Moreau P, Hulin C, Perrot A, Arnulf B, Belhadj K, Benboubker L, Zweegman S, Caillon H, Caillot D, Avet-Loiseau H, Delforge M, Dejoie T, Facon T, Sonntag C, Fontan J, Mohty M, Jie KS, Karlin L, Kuhnowski F, Lambert J, Leleu X, Macro M, Orsini-Piocelle F, Roussel M, Schiano de Colella JM, van de Donk NW, Wuillème S, Broijl A, Touzeau C, Tiab M, Marolleau JP, Meuleman N, Vekemans MC, Westerman M, Klein SK, Levin MD, Offner F, Escoffre-Barbe M, Eveillard JR, Garidi R, Hua W, Wang J, Tuozzo A, de Boer C, Rowe M, Vanquickelberghe V, Carson R, Vermeulen J, Corre J, Sonneveld P,

Lancet Oncol. 2024 06 14;:

Characteristics and incidence of infections in patients with multiple myeloma treated by bispecific antibodies: a national retrospective study on the behalf of G2I and IFM.

Jourdes A, Cellerin E, Touzeau C, Harel S, Denis B, Escure G, Faure E, Jamard S, Danion F, Sonntag C, Ader F, Karlin L, Soueges S, Cazelles C, de La Porte des Vaux C, Frenzel L, Lanternier F, Brousse X, Cazaubiel T, Berger P, Collignon A, Blot M, Pieragostini A, Charles M, Chaleteix C, Redor A, Roland V, Cartau T, Macro M, Chalopin T, Vallet N, Perrot A, Martin-Blondel G,

Clin Microbiol Infect. 2024 03 1;:

Heterogeneity in long term outcomes for R-ISS stage II in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.

Schavgoulidze A, Lauwers-Cances V, Perrot A, Cazaubiel T, Chretien ML, Moreau P, Facon T, Leleu X, Karlin L, Stoppa AM, Decaux O, Belhadj K, Arnulf B, Mohty M, Ariette CM, Fohrer-Sonntag C, Lenain P, Marolleau JP, Tiab M, Araujo C, Orsini-Piocelle F, Jaccard A, Roussel M, Benboubker L, Eveillard JR, Dib M, Divoux M, Attal M, Avet-Loiseau H, Corre J

Haematologica. 2022 09 29;:

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