STM spectroscopy of magnetic molecules

Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2009


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr LEHN Jean-Marie

Tous les auteurs :
Petukhov K, Alam MS, Rupp H, Stromsdorfer S, Muller P, Scheurer A, Saalfrank RW, Kortus J, Postnikov A, Ruben M, Thompson LK, Lehn JM


We have investigated a series of magnetic supramolecular complexes involving coordinated metal ions. Using the current-imaging tunneling spectroscopy mode of a STM, we mapped isolated single molecules. By comparing with DFT calculations, we confirmed that the weakest bonds, i.e. the supramolecular coordination interactions, dominate the molecular orbitals near the Fermi-level of the molecule. Thus, STM spectroscopy can address directly the metal centers in a rather complex molecular entity. Our method allows a selective mapping of the functional units within the supramolecular architecture, even if these units are embedded into a complex set of organic ligands. We observed this behavior in all of our investigated molecules. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Coord Chem Rev. 2009 Oct;253(19-20):2387-98