Fatigue and changes in body image in cancer patients: withdrawal from the body or necessary treatment of depression?

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2007


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Derzelle M


Addressing the question of fatigue in cancer patients from the point of view of mental health professionals requires using the plural form of the term, "fatigues''. On the one hand, fatigues take part in the very personal re-organisation of each patient's trajectory, while, on the other, all patients integrate and retrieve physical and physiological fatigues in the same manner as the symptoms of depression when in treatment for depression. For an individual cancer patient, it is as if the various fatigues experienced during the course of the disease express the patient's feelings and reveal his or her body images as the many metamorphoses of the patient's being.


Psycho-oncologie. 2007 Mar;1(1):13-8